Spam protection, Anti-Spam, FireWall by CleanTalk


Top-rated anti-spam protection for WordPress. No CAPTCHA, no questions, no animal counting, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots. Universal AntiSpam plugin.

Anti-Spam features

  1. Hace parar spam comentarios.
  2. Hace parar spam registros.
  3. Hace parar spam direcciones del correo electrónico.
  4. Hace parar spam órdenes.
  5. Hace parar spam reservas.
  6. Hace parar spam suscripciones.
  7. Detiene las inspecciones de spam, las encuestas.
  8. Hace parar spam aplicaciones.
  9. Detiene el spam en WooCommerce.
  10. Validación de correo electrónico en tiempo real. ¿El correo electrónico es real o no?
  11. Comprueba y elimina los comentarios de spam existentes y los usuarios de spam.
  12. Compatible con usuarios y dispositivos móviles.
  13. Compatible con el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (RGPD) (UE).
  14. Bloqueo de correos electrónicos desechables y temporales.
  15. Sin spam: sin penalizaciones de Google. Dale impulso a tu SEO.
  16. Compatible con móviles, antispam y cortafuegos.
  17. Detiene el spam en el formulario de búsqueda.
  18. Desactivar los comentarios.
  19. Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood.
  20. Spam FireWall: Anti-Crawler.
  21. Ocultar el campo «Web» para comentarios.
  22. Bloquea mensajes por idiomas, países, redes y palabras de parada.
  23. Codificador de direcciones de correo electrónico – protección para las direcciones de correo electrónico publicadas en tu sitio.

Periodo de prueba gratis luego $12 por año

CleanTalk es un plugin anti-spam que funciona con el servicio premium Cloud Anti-Spam de Este plugin como servicio

Public reviews

It’s more than just a tool to combat spam; it’s an integral component that enhances the overall quality and performance of your website.

Improve Your Security WordPress Spam Protection With CleanTalk Anti-Spam
The Hacker News.

CleanTalk: servicio antispam basado en la nube para mantener Tu sitio libre de bots.
   Reseña de NewsWatch.

Comparar reCAPTCHA & Akismet VS CleanTalk

I know you have heard of a number of anti-spam plugins. But you must know, the cloud-based ones are the best regarding detection rate. They compare all the content in forms with their own algorithm to find out the legibility.

El punto de venta clave de CleanTalk para mí no es simplemente su efectividad. Es el hecho de que CleanTalk funciona en segundo plano. No hace que los usuarios pasen por alto para enviar un comentario o completar un formulario.

Protección Anti-Spam para comentarios

Protección anti-spam nativa para WordPress, comentarios de JetPack y cualquier otro plugins de comentarios. El plugin mueve los comentarios de spam a la carpeta SPAM o puede configurar la opción para prohibir los comentarios de spam silenciosamente. También puede activar la opción en la configuración del plugin para eliminar automáticamente los comentarios de la carpeta SPAM.

Formulario de contacto por el filtro de spam de WPForms

Plugin extends Contact Form by WPForms to provide spam protection. It filters spam submissions for each type of forms – simple contact form, marketing form, request a quote and etc.

Filtro para maquetador web de Elementor

Plugin extends spam protection for Elementor Website Builder. It filters spam submisssions and tested for contact form type.

Filtro spam para formularios Gravity

Plugin extends spam protection for Gravity forms. It filters spam submisssions for any type of forms.

Formidable Form Builder spam filter

Plugin extends spam protection for Formidable Form Builder. It filters spam submisssions for any type of forms – Contact Form, Survey & Quiz Forms.

Filtro spam para Contact Form 7

El plugin amplía la protección contra spam para Contact Form 7 (CF7). Se puede usar con cualquier otro filtro de spam de terceros.
Cómo proteger Contact Form 7 usando el plugin CleanTalk Anti-Spam

Filtros para correos no deseados en WooCommerce.

Anti-spam por CleanTalk filtra registros de spam y comentarios de spam para WooCommerce. El plugin es totalmente compatible con WooCommerce 2.1 y superior.

Filtros de spam para formularios de contacto tema

The plugin blocks spam emails via any theme (built-in ones included) contact forms. The plugin filters spam emails silently (without any error notices on WordPress frontend) in AJAX forms as well.

filtro de spam bbPress

Protección contra spam para todo lo relacionado con bbPress: inicios de sesión, registros, foros, debate y respuestas.

Other spam filters

  • Páginas de destino de WordPress.
  • Portada del usuario WP, usuario Pro.
  • Ninja forms
  • El plugin de formulario de contacto de Fluent Forms Ninja Forms
  • Formulario de contacto de Forminator
  • Boletines – MC4WP: Mailchimp para WordPress (, MailPoet – correos electrónicos y boletines en WordPress (
  • Any WordPress form (checkbox ‘Custom contact forms’).
  • Any submission to the site (checkbox ‘Check all POST data’).

Verifica los comentarios existentes en busca de spam. Eliminación en bloque de comentarios de spam. Spam comment Cleaner

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk you can inspect through existing comments to find and quickly delete spam comments at once. To use this function, go to WP Console -> Comments -> Find spam comments.

Verifica los usuarios existentes en busca de spam. Eliminación en lotes de cuentas de spam. Spam users cleaner

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk you can inspect through existing accounts to find and quickly delete spam users at once. For use this function, go to WP Console -> Users -> Check for spam. Also, you can export a list of spam users to the CSV.

Listas negras privadas para el servicio anti-spam

Bloquea automáticamente los comentarios y registros de tu lista negra de direcciones de correo electrónico/IP privada.

Ocultar el campo «Web» para comentarios

Esta opción oculta el campo «web» de los formularios de comentarios estándar de WordPress. Después de eso, los spammers no podrán enviar enlaces de spam usando el campo «web» en la parte inferior del formulario de comentarios.

Low false/positive rate

Este plugin usa múltiples pruebas anti-spam para filtrar los bots de spam que tienen la tasa de falsos/positivos más baja posible.

How does CleanTalk improve SEO for your website?

So, you already know that the speed of the site has a direct impact on SEO.

CleanTalk funciona más rápido que la mayoría de los otros plugins anti-spam. Es de conocimiento común que contra más rápido se cargue su sitio, mejor será la experiencia del cliente, mejor será su SEO, y mejor se convertirá su sitio. La velocidad es cada vez más importante en SEO, la conversión y la experiencia del usuario. Hoy en día, la velocidad del sitio es uno de los factores de clasificación más importantes de Google. Un sitio que se carga lentamente perderá los visitantes y los ingresos potenciales.

Among anti-spam plugins CleanTalk AntiSpam is one of the fastest. Despite the large plugin functionality, the developers have optimized the performance of
the plugin so that AntiSpam by CleanTalk is faster than most analogs. This contributes to the cloud service architecture, as all calculations take place in the cloud, not on the server, the server receives the finished result for further action.

A diferencia de los plugins independientes (WP Armour, Antispam Bee, WP Cerber), Anti-Spam de CleanTalk usa menos CPU, lo que mejora la respuesta del sitio, la experiencia de los visitantes y los resultados de SEO.

Spam FireWall

Spam FireWall allows blocking the most active spam bots before they get access to your website. It prevents spam bots from loading website pages so your web server doesn’t have to perform all scripts on these pages. Also it prevents scanning of pages of the website by spam bots. Therefore Spam FireWall significantly reduces the load on your web server. Spam FireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spam bots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spam bots. CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and checks all other requests on the website in the moment of submitting comments/registers etc.

¿Cómo funciona Spam FireWall?

  • The visitor enters to your web site.
  • HTTP request data are being checked in the nearly 5.8 million of the identified spam bot IPs.
  • If it is an active spam bot, the bot gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then he receives a normal page. This process is completely transparent for the visitors.

Toda la actividad Spam Firewall de CleanTalk se está registrando en el proceso de filtrado.

Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood & Anti-Crawler

Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood and Anti-Crawler options are intended for blocking unwanted bots, content parsing, shop goods prices parsing or aggressive website scanning bots. Learn more

Anti-Spam plugin info

CleanTalk es una solución anti-spam todo en uno para WordPress que protege los formularios de acceso, comentarios, contacto y formularios de WooCommerce a la vez. No necesitas instalar plugins antispam independientes para cada formulario. Permite que tu blog funcione más rápido y ahorrar recursos.

CleanTalk es una herramienta antispam transparente, proporcionamos estadísticas detalladas de todos los comentarios e inicios de sesión entrantes. Siempre puedes estar seguro de que no hay errores. Hemos desarrollado una aplicación móvil para que puedas ver las estadísticas antispam donde quieras.

Hemos desarrollado el antispam para WordPress que te protege de los bots de spam al máximo nivel, lo que te permite brindar a tus visitantes una forma simple y conveniente de comentarios/registros sin molestos CAPTCHA ni rompecabezas. CleanTalk detecta spam en pruebas de varias etapas, lo que nos permite bloquear hasta el 99,998 % de los bots de spam. El método anti-spam que ofrece CleanTalk evita inconvenientes para los métodos de comunicación (CAPTCHA, pregunta-respuesta, etc.), y ofrece a los visitantes de tu sitio uno más cómodo.

CleanTalk is a premium anti-spam service for WordPress, the plugin works with our own CleanTalk Cloud Service. Anti Spam by CleanTalk offers a free trial, you can look at the pricing here. We provide anti-spam services at the highest level. To maintain this level we cannot afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of the providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of anti-spam service, you save a lot more and receive:

  • Up to 99.998% protection from spam bots.
  • Time and resources saving.
  • More registrations/comments/visitors.
  • Protección contra el spam de los varios sitios web a la vez en diferentes CMS.
  • Facilidad de instalación y uso.
  • Aumento del tráfico y lealtad a los usuarios.
  • 24/7 technical support.
  • Borrar las estadísticas.
  • Spam FireWall.
  • No captcha (reCaptcha), puzzles, etc.

How to protect sites from spam bots without CAPTCHA?

El método antispam más popular es el CAPTCHA – la imagen molesta con símbolos curvos e inclinados, que se presentan al visitante para que los descifre y complete. Se supone que los bots de spam no reconocerán estos CAPTCHA, pero el visitante sí. CAPTCHA provoca una gran irritación, pero si el visitante quiere comentar, tiene que rellenar estos símbolos una y otra vez, cometiendo errores y comenzando de nuevo. A veces, CAPTCHA nos recuerda a los garabatos de un niño de dos años. Para usuarios con problemas de visión CAPTCHA es un obstáculo insalvable. Los usuarios odian el captcha. Captcha para los usuarios significa «odio». CAPTCHA ilegible detiene alrededor del 80% de los visitantes del sitio. Después de 2 intentos fallidos de descifrar CAPTCHA, el 95% de los visitantes rechazan más intentos. A la vista de CAPTCHA y después de errores de entrada, muchos visitantes abandonan el recurso. Por lo tanto, CAPTCHA ayuda a proteger el spam de recursos tanto de los bots como de los visitantes. CAPTCHA no es una panacea contra el spam. ¿Dudas sobre la necesidad de CAPTCHA?

«Ultimately, CAPTCHAs are useless for spam because they’re designed to tell you if someone is ‘human’ or not, but not whether something is spam or not.» Matt Mullenweg

You do not have to work in IT to know what spam is. Besides piles of unwanted email, there are spam bots, or special software programs designed to act as human website visitors that post unwelcome messages over the Internet to advertise dubious services. More often than not spam messages do not even make sense. Similar to bacteria and virus mutations developing antibiotic resistance, spam bots are becoming more resilient in penetrating Internet firewalls and security layers.

Modo marca blanca

Para cambiar el trabajo del plugin en el modo de marca blanca, debes configurar algunos ajustes en tu sitio principal de la red multisitio de WordPress:

  1. Check setting «Enable White Label Mode».
  2. Fill «Hoster API Key» field with key from CleanTalk’s hoster panel.
  3. Rellena el campo «Nombre del plugin». Podría ser cualquier nombre que deseas para el plugin.
  4. Guardar los ajustes.

El plugin hará todo lo demás.

Validación de correo electrónico en tiempo real. ¿El correo electrónico es real o no?

Es muy importante asegurarse de que el usuario haya usado su dirección de correo electrónico real. Los spambots a menudo usan direcciones de correo electrónico falsas, es decir, direcciones que no existen.

CleanTalk verificará la existencia de direcciones de correo electrónico en tiempo real.

Las direcciones de correo electrónico no existentes también conllevan otros problemas para los propietarios de webs.

  • Nunca puedes contactarlos por correo electrónico,
  • el cliente nunca recibirá avisos tuyos (carta de activación de cuenta, recuperación de contraseña, distribución de correo electrónico, avisos, etc.),
  • Si utilizas el marketing por correo electrónico para tus clientes, una gran cantidad de correos electrónicos inexistentes en la lista de correo pueden hacer que tu dirección IP se añada a varias listas negras de servidores de correo electrónico.

Mejora tu lista de correo electrónico con la validación del correo electrónico sin correos electrónicos falsos.

Bloqueo de correos electrónicos desechables y temporales.

Bloquea usuarios falsos y sospechosos con correos electrónicos desechables y temporales para mejorar la entrega del correo electrónico. Por lo tanto, también evita la actividad malintencionada, los bots de spam y los trolls de internet.

Detiene el spam en el formulario de búsqueda.

Los robots de spam pueden usar tu formulario de búsqueda para hacer una solicitud GET con texto de spam.
CleanTalk Anti-Spam tiene la opción de proteger el formulario de búsqueda de tu web de los bots de spam. Cada vez, la búsqueda genera una nueva página y si hay muchas solicitudes, esto puede crear una carga adicional. Entonces, en algunas condiciones, las búsquedas de spam pueden indexarse, lo que afecta al SEO,

  • Spam FireWall bloquea el acceso a todas las páginas de ña web para los robots de spam más activos. Reduce la carga y el tráfico de tu servidor web simplemente haciendo esto.
  • La protección antispam para los formularios de búsqueda de webs repele los robots de spam.
  • Si tu formulario de búsqueda obtiene datos con demasiada frecuencia, el plugin CleanTalk Anti-Spam agregará una pausa y la aumentará con cada nuevo intento de enviar datos. Le ahorra tiempo al procesador de tu servidor web.
  • La protección contra spam te permite no prohibir la indexación de los robots rastreadores si realmente la necesitas, pero al mismo tiempo obtendrás protección contra los robots de spam.

Siempre sabrás qué buscaban los usuarios en tu sitio.

Desactivar los comentarios

Esta opción desactiva los comentarios en tu sitio. Puedes elegir una o varias opciones:

  • Desactivar los comentarios para las entradas
  • Desactivar los comentarios para las páginas
  • Desactivar los comentarios para los medios

When using Disables comments, existing comments will not be deleted and will remain on the pages.

Codificador de direcciones de correo electrónico

CleanTalk Anti-Spam ofrece una función llamada «Codificar los datos de contacto» que está diseñado para codificar todas las direcciones de correo electrónico en las páginas de la web. La codificación de las direcciones de correo electrónico aumenta el nivel de protección de los datos de contacto contra el abuso, el análisis, el envío de spam y el uso en listas de correo de spam por parte de bots y delincuentes en línea. Para revelar la dirección de correo electrónico codificada, simplemente haz clic en ella y se decodificará al instante.

¿El plugin antispam protegerá mi tema?

Yes, it will. The Anti-spam by CleanTalk is compatible with any WordPress theme.

Should I use other anti-spam tools (Captcha, reCaptcha and etc.)?

CleanTalk stops up to 99.998% of spam bots, so you can disable other anti-spam plugins (especially CAPTCHA-type anti-spam plugins). In some cases several anti-spam plugins could conflict with each other, so it would be …


  • Los ajustes de AntiSpam son fáciles de usar para proteger cualquier formulario de contacto. Por ejemplo - formularios de Ninja, formularios de Fluent, etc.
  • AntiSpam plugin rejected a spam bot at the CAPTCHA less registration form. The plugin provides explanation to visitor and websites about each rejected comment/registration o contact message.
  • Use AntiSpam analytics tool for each website in service Dashboard to have information about spam/legitimate stats.
  • Use AntiSpam log to control anti-spam plugin.
  • CleanTalk funciona más rápido que la mayoría de los otros plugins anti-spam.
  • The Dashboard with a map of most spam active countries per your account.
  • El plugin borra/elimina los comentarios de spam existentes y las cuentas de los usuarios.
  • Enlace de actualización del escritorio de CleanTalk.
  • Escritorio de CleanTalk.
  • Registro de SpamFireWall.


Instrucciones de instalación

  1. Download, install and activate ‘Anti-spam by CleanTalk’.

  2. Obtener clave de acceso

  3. Enter Access key in the settings: WordPress console -> Settings -> Antispam by CleanTalk

  4. Do dummy spam comment (registration or contact message) with email You should see notice: Forbidden. Sender blacklisted.

  5. ¡Hecho! El plug-in está listo para usar.

Guía en vídeo – Instalación del plugin Anti-Spam en WordPress.

Important! To test spam protection you must post a dummy submissions as website visitor (use must logged out from WordPress console), because the plugin doesn’t filter submissions from WordPress administrators.

¿Cómo se puede configurar el plugin en la versión WPMU?

In WordPress multisite version you can switch the plugin to use Global Access key. In this way the plugin doesn’t show any options to enter Access key in plugin settings and doesn’t show Trial banner in WordPress backend. To setup global CleanTalk access key for all websites in WPMS, define constant in your wp-config.php file before defining database constants:

define('CLEANTALK_ACCESS_KEY', 'place your key here');

Hazlo antes de activar el plugin. Si el plugin ya está activado, desactívalo, añade el código y actívalo nuevamente.
Ahora, todos los subsitios tendrán esta clave de acceso.

Manage and control spam protection

Ir al Escritorioen o usar Android, iPhone anti-spam app para administrar y controlar la protección contra el spam.


¿Por qué me envían spam?

Spammers want to get backlinks from your site to improve their site’s PageRank or redirect your visitors to malicious sites.This level of spam can damage your reputation with readers and commentators if you fail to tackle it. It is not uncommon for some WordPress websites to receive hundreds or even thousands of comments every week. However, by using a CleanTalk plugin, spam can be easily handled by your WordPress website.

Is the anti-spam protection safe for mobile visitors?

Yes, it is. The plugin doesn’t block mobile visitors as well as desktop website visitors. It uses several independent anti-spam tests to decrease the number of false outcomes and to have as low false-positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests help to avoid false/positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.

What does the plugin do with spam comments?

Los comentarios de spam se mueven a la carpeta SPAM de forma por defecto o puedes configurar la opción para prohibir los comentarios de spam en silencio.

How can I test the anti-spam protection?

Please use the email for comments, contacts or signups to see how the anti-spam protection works. Also, you can see the logs for the last 7 days in the Dashboard or look at the folder «Spam» for banned comments.

How does the plugin stop spam?

Por favor, ten en cuenta – las acciones del administrador no se están comprobando.

The plugin uses several simple tests to stop spammers:

  1. Prueba anti-spam de JavaScript. El 99% de los bots de spam no tienen compatibilidad completa con las funciones de JavaScript. Por lo tanto, el plugin tiene el código que puede ejecutar un visitante normal y no puede ejecutarlo el bot de spam.
  2. Correo Electrónico, IP, comprobar la entrada de actividad de spam de dominio. El plugin utiliza la base de datos en línea en la actividad de spam, que consta de más de 20 millones de registros de actividades spam de los IPs, correo electrónicos, dominios y ASN. Si el IP o el correo electrónico del remitente está en la base de datos, el remitente recibe algunas puntuaciones de spam. Para reducir la tasa de falso/positivo el plugin no sólo utiliza la prueba de lista negra para prohibir los spammers, el remitente será prohibido cuando, y sólo cuando las pruebas múltiples de spam han fracasado.
  3. Comment submit time. Spam bots usually submit the info immediately after the page has been loaded, this happens because spam bots don’t actually fill the web form, they just send $_POST data to the blog. The normal visitor sends the data after several seconds or minutes.

What about pingback, trackback spam?

El plugin pasa pingbacks sin ningún control de forma por defecto. Todos los trackbacks se bloquearán si el remitente tuvo actividad de spam.

¿Puedo utilizar CleanTalk para eliminar la espera de comentarios de spam?

Yes, you can. The plugin has the option to test all pending comments via database of spam active IP/Email, found spam comments will be moved to Trash folder.

How does the plugin find spam in pending comments or registered accounts?

El plugin comprueba todos los comentarios que no son spam en la base de datos de la lista negra y te muestra los remitentes que tienen actividad de spam en otras webs.
Hay algunas diferencias entre la base de datos de lista negra y la API para protegerte de los registros/comentarios de los robots de spam online. Las listas negras muestran todo el historial de la actividad de spam, pero nuestra API (que se usa en las pruebas de spam) también se basa en otros parámetros: último día de actividad, número de ataques de spam durante los últimos días, etc. Estos mecanismos nos ayudan a reducir el número de resultados falsos. Por tanto, no hay nada extraño si algunos correos electrónicos o IPs no se encuentran en las pruebas en lote de los comentarios/cuentas.

Para revisar los comentarios por favor vayan aquí:

WordPress console -> Comments -> Find spam comments

Para revisar los usuarios por favor vayan aquí:

WordPress console -> Users -> Find spam users

Is the plugin compatible with WordPress MultiUser (WPMU or WordPress network)?

Yes, the plugin is compatible with WordPress MultiUser. Each blog in multisite environment has individual anti-spam options for the protection from spam bots.

After the installation I noticed that the number of spam attacks has been increased in the stats

There are a few reasons for this:

  • With the indexing of your web-site by the search systems, appearance of external links and better search results position, your web-site attracts more and more spambots.
  • Non-transparent protection systems like CAPTCHA or question/answer, that don’t have spam attacks stats, don’t let you see the whole picture, or the picture is incomplete.
  • Counting methods for spam attacks and spam bots are different for different systems, thus the diversity appears. We seek to provide detailed stats.

Why my dummy «spam» comment passed to the WordPress?

The plugin has several options to detect spam bots and humans. If you just post spammy text like this:

"I want to sell something", "Buy something here.." and etc

los comentarios se pasarán, porque el plugin detecta que el remitente es un humano. Por lo tanto, utiliza el correo electrónico especial para probar la funcionalidad antispam o espera unos días para ver cómo funciona el plugin.

¿Es gratis o de pago?

El plugin es gratuito y se distribuye bajo la licencia GPLv2.

El plugin CleanTalk anti-spam funciona con un servicio anti-spam basado en la nube y este plugin es un software como servicio (SaaS).
CleanTalk es un plugin gratuito que funciona con el servicio premium Cloud Anti-Spam.

El hecho de que el plugin funciona con un servicio de tipo premium se menciona en la anotación del plugin y en su descripción del catálogo de WordPress.

Estamos listos para ayudarte con cualquier problema relacionado con CleanTalk. Hay cientos de composiciones ambientales y hacemos todo lo posible para cubrir la mayor cantidad posible.

¿Puedo utilizar CleanTalk con plugins de caché?

Anti-spam by CleanTalk no utiliza código HTML estático en sus plantillas, por lo que todas las funciones anti-spam funcionan correctamente con cualquier plugin de caché de WordPress.

Does the plugin protect from spam bots if I use forms with third-party services?

Sí, lo hace. El plugin protege los formularios web de tus webs que envían datos a servidores de terceros (como MailChimp). Para activar esta protección, establece la opción «Proteger formularios externos» en los ajustes del plugin.

¿Es CleanTalk compatible con Cloudflare?

CleanTalk es totalmente compatible con CloudFlare. El servicio no filtra las IP de CloudFlare (AS13335) a través de la base de datos de listas negras, por lo que en este caso el plugin/servicio filtra los robots de spam utilizando otras pruebas antispam.

¿ Es CleanTalk compatible con una red de distribución de contenidos (CDN)?

Sí, lo es. CleanTalk funciona con cualquier sistema de CDN, es decir, CloudFlare, MaxCDN, Akamai.

¿Puedo utilizar la funcionalidad de CleanTalk en mis plugins?

Sí, puedes hacerlo. Sólo tienes que utilizar el siguiente fragmento de código:

    include_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/cleantalk-spam-protect/cleantalk.php' );
//for registration test:
$res=ct_test_registration("nickname", "", "");
//or for some other messages (contact forms, comments etc.)
$res=ct_test_message("nickname", "", "", "test message");

$res now contents array with two parameters:
* $res[‘allow’] – is request allowed (1) or not (0)
* $res[‘comment’] – comment for our server’s decision.

I see two loads of script cleantalk_nocache.js. Why do you use it twice?

This script is used for AJAX JavaScript checking. Different themes use different mechanisms of loading, so we use two methods for loading our script. If you absolutely know what you are doing, you can switch one of the methods off by defining constants in your wp-config.php file:

define('CLEANTALK_AJAX_USE_BUFFER', false); //false - don't use output buffering to include AJAX script, true - use it


define('CLEANTALK_AJAX_USE_FOOTER_HEADER', false); //false - don't use wp_footer() and wp_header() for including AJAX script, true - use it

¿Puedo añadir exclusiones para algunas páginas de mi sitio?

Yes, you can. There is a special setting in plugin settings.
You could use this guide to learn more:

¿Qué No puedo enviar mis datos personales a los servidores CleanTalk?

Sí, puedes excluir tus datos. Hay un ajuste especial en los ajustes del plugin.
Puedes usar esta guía para obtener aprender más:

How to test Spam FireWall?

Use special IP in URL to test Spam FireWall. For example,

¡Atención! El modo de incógnito debe estar activado en tu navegador cuando realizas una prueba. Para activar el modo de incógnito, presiona Ctrl + May + N para los navegadores Chrome, Opera y Safari; presiona Ctrl + May + P para Firefox, Internet Explorer y Microsoft Edge. Una guía completa para habilitar el modo de incógnito está aquí:

How can I enter access key in WPMU version?

Para configurar la clave de acceso global de CleanTalk para todos los web en WPMU, define la constante en tu archivo «wp-config.php» antes de definir las constantes de la base de datos:

define('CLEANTALK_ACCESS_KEY', 'place your key here');

Ahora, todos los subsitios tendrán esta clave de acceso.

¿Funciona el plug-in con Varnish?

CleanTalk works with Varnish, it protects WordPress against spam, but by default the plugin generates a few cookies for the protection from spam bots and it also disables Varnish cache on pages where CleanTalk’s cookies have been stored. To get rid of the issue with cache turn off the option ‘Set cookies’ in the plugin settings.

WordPress console -> Settings -> CleanTalk -> Advanced settings

Ahora el plugin protegerá los comentarios de WordPress, los registros y la mayoría de los formularios de contacto populares, pero no protegerá algunos de los formularios de contacto que se usan con poca frecuencia.

Does the anti-spam plugin work with Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

Yes, it does. But you have to turn off the SpamFireWall and the option ‘Use AJAX for JavaScript check’ in Advanced settigns of the plugin to be fully compatible with Accelerated Mobile Pages.

¿Debo cambiar algo en los ajustes del plugin o en mi escritorio de CleanTalk cuando cambio mi web de HTTP a HTTPS o viceversa?

No. You don’t need to change anything in the plugin’s settings or in your CleanTalk Dashboard. The plugin will work regardless of the protocol.

Spam FireWall and AntiSpam – Networks Blocking

Anti-Spam – bloqueará a los usuarios de la IP o red seleccionada para que no usen los formularios de contactos/mensajes/registros/comentarios.
Spam FireWall – bloqueará a los usuarios de la IP o red seleccionada para que no entren en la web.

Por favor, lee más aquí

Gestión de comentarios de spam

Por defecto, todos los comentarios de spam se colocan en la carpeta de spam, ahora puedes cambiar la forma en que el plugin trata los comentarios de spam:

  1. Move to the Spam folder. All spam comments will be placed to the folder «Spam» in the WordPress Comments section except comments with Stop-Words. Stop-Word comments will be always stored in the «Pending» folder.

You can prevent the proliferation of Spam folder. It can be cleaned automatically using the option «Keep spam comments for 15 days.» Enable this option in the settings of the plugin: WordPress Admin Page -> Settings -> Antispam by CleanTalk -> Advanced settings -> enable «Keep spam comments for 15 days» -> Save Changes.

  1. Mover a la papelera. Todos los comentarios de spam se colocarán en la carpeta «Papelera» en la sección de comentarios de WordPress, excepto los comentarios con palabras de parada. los comentarios de palabras de parada siempre se almacenarán en la carpeta «Pendiente».

  2. Ban comments without moving to WordPress backend. All spam comments will be deleted permanently without going to the WordPress backend except comments with Stop-Words. Stop-Word comments will be always stored in the «Pending» folder.

Los comentarios bloqueados y prohibidos se pueden ver en el registro anti spam aquí:

Para administrar las acciones con comentarios de spam, ve al panel de control, selecciona la web para la que deseas cambiar las acciones y ve a «Ajustes» debajo del nombre de la web.

Por favor, lee más aquí:

¿Es compatible el plugin con la RGPD de la UE?

Sí lo es. Por favor, lee este artículo,


18 de abril de 2024 1 respuesta
So, my client has been dealing with spam through their Zoho CRM lead forms for over a year now. We have been in constant contact with Zoho support during this period and tried various solutions and option to try and combat the spam. At some point we realized that we are going to have to look for an external solution. This is when we discovered CleanTalk. From day 1 their team bent over backwards to assist us. Initially there were some name field attribute issues that caused a situation where not all form fields would pull through to Zoho correctly. We contacted Zoho to ask them if we could rename these attributes, but unfortunately those fields are part of their core system, which is completely understandable. I then reported this back to CleanTalk and low and behold, they found a solution and updated their plugin accordingly for use cases like ours. This is what the CleanTalk team does, they treat each case individually and and improve their system accordingly on a continuos basis. This way we all reap the benefit from a solid anti-spam system. Thanks Eugene, Kate and devs, your work is well appreciated.
7 de diciembre de 2022 1 respuesta
Been fighting form spam forever! Totally tired of having to go through spam and delete it 50 at a time. Clean talk worked immediately! No more crazy spam. Highly recommend. Will use it for every form on every website we have. Highly recommend, you won’t regret it.
12 de abril de 2024 1 respuesta
I started to receive fake leads, not so many, about 2-3 per week. After installing CleanTalk all spam stopped and are filtered out. In almost one year, it worked 100%, all bad leads are filtered and I receive only good ones. Bought plugin till 2027, they do regular updates and I hope to stay with them for longer.
11 de abril de 2024 1 respuesta
I've been using CleanTalk for about 6 months, and have pleasantly been surprised with the positive results. While it's easy to protect a contact form on a website, when you need to have your actual email addresses visible and available online, the SPAM starts almost immediately. CleanTalk has blocked more than 600 SPAM emails in 6 months. Perhaps only 5 to 8 get through per week.
9 de abril de 2024 1 respuesta
I have nothing but good things to say about this plugin. It is excellent at blocking spam, not only for my own website but for my clients' websites also. It is so budget friendly as well, which means you don't have to fork out for something really expensive to have the peace of mind that you are protected. What's more, the customer support team are great. They're highly responsive and very happy to help. Whenever I have had an issue, they have been more than willing to get things sorted for me and I am very grateful. An essential plugin and I'd recommend it to anyone!
Leer todas las 2.909 reseñas

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Registro de cambios

= 6.31 Apr 18 2024
* New. Integrations. Added ContactFormPlugin handler.
* Upd. Integrations. Skip new action for WordPress File Uploader.
* Upd. Settings. Advanced setting info added.
* Fix. Comments moderation. Do not auto-approve comments if license is expired.
* Fix. Code. ES Lint github action fixed.
* Fix. Code. General. Compatibility with php 8.2.
* Fix. Integration. WooCommerce. Event token added and JS status fixed.
* Fix. Integrations. Added statement for handling space in attribute name.
* Fix. Integrations. Added handler for KadenceBlocks.
* Fix. Integrations. Skip WP Fusion Abandoned Cart Addon service requests.
* Fix. Integrations. Prevented multi request after send.
* Fix. SFW update. Get only common lists on expired key.
* Fix. SFW update. Fixed case when DirectUpdate type always calls if has been called once.
* Ref. Code. Function ct_preprocess_comment refactored to integration class.
* Ref. Code. External forms. Deleted unnecessary conditions.

= 6.30 Apr 4 2024
* New. Integration. Jobstack theme register form protection implemented.
* Fix. Integration. Skip Pixelyoursite service action.
* Fix. Settings. Fixed switcher for email encode.
* Fix. Integration. Search form protection fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Adding to cart protection fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Elementor Pro. Event token gathering fixed.
* Fix. Integration. External forms protection fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Happy Forms integration fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Prevented error on Ninja forms.
* Fix. Integration. EasyDigitalDownload fixed.
* Fix. Integration. Salesforce external form fixed.
* Fix. Integrations. Catching js params on BuddyPress.
* Fix. Integrations. Fluent booking. Fix localize script.
* Fix. Code. Removed redundant parameter source from private_list_add handler method.
* Fix. Code. Add default key to debug call.
* Fix. Code. JS. Core.attr fixed.
* Fix. Code. Added eslint-windows npm script to run eslint on windows systems.
* Ref. ApbctSFW. Switch to direct update logic.

= 6.29.1 Mar 26 2024
Fix. Cookies. Alternative cookies set fixed.

= 6.29 Mar 14 2024
New. Integration. BookingPress integration.
New. Integration. OptimizePress integration.
Upd. Anti-Crawler. UA updating fixed.
Fix. Code. JS bundle fixed.
Fix. Bot detector JS lib. Event token field removed from GET params.
Fix. Pixel. Pixel URL getting fixed.
Fix. Email encoder. Skip Divi Builder generated content from encoding.
Fix. Integration. Goodlayers LMS plugin registration exclude from skipping.
Fix. Integration. EasyDigitalDownloads integration fixed.
Fix. Bot detector. Including bot detector wrapper script fixed.

= 6.28 Feb 28 2024
* New. Integrations. Avada Fusion form builder new implementation added.
* New. Integrations. Newsletter Tribulant eraly ajax check.
* New. Integrations. Divi Builder email opt-in subscription form.
* New. Integrations. Hubspot forms protected via div-click.
* New. Integration. Fluent Booking PRO calendar.
* Upd. Integrations. Elementor Pro. Refactored to integration class.
* Upd. Comments and user checker. Now use local datetime in the checker logs.
* Fix. Integrations. Protected request anonymous add to cart.
* Fix. Integrations. Mailpoet. Bot detector handled, message cleared.
* Fix. Integrations. Fluent forms. Bot detector handled, message cleared, visible fields array fixed, hook deprecation handled.
* Fix. Integrations. Updated ws-forms handler.
* Fix. Integrations. Submit time calculating fixed.
* Fix. WooCommerce. Added new sign of wp-ajax to skip Paystation service requests.
* Fix. WooCommerce. Skip «woo-stripe-payment» service request.
* Fix. SFW. SFW updating process fixed.
* Fix. SFW update. Do not warn user if we cannot remove index.php.
* Fix. AJAX. Skip «Paid Membership» plugin service actions.
* Fix. State. WP options. Broken serialized data handling.
* Fix. GetFieldsAny. Handle warning.
* Fix. Integration. Easy Digital Downloads. Registry during checkout handled. Service actions for discount recount skipped.
* Fix. GetFiledsAny. Try to parse URL only for single lined message.
* Fix. Div-click protection. Skipped already protected div on further call of window.load.
* Fix. Integration. WPFomrs excluded form external forms check.

= 6.27 Feb 14 2024
* New. Integrations. Added protect for outside iframe.
* New. Integrations. Classifield theme users registering protection implemented.
* Upd. General. Removed deprecated ips.
* Fix. Integrations. WpDiscuz. Duplicated request fixed. Bot detector field handling added.
* Fix. Integrations. Happy forms. NoCookie hidden field added via ajaxSetup.
* Fix. Integrations. Undefined: key \’lable\’ fixed.
* Fix. Integrations. HivePress. Service requests skipped.
* Fix. SFW. Check array key exist before use it.
* Fix. apbctPrepareBlockForAjaxForms. The method ajaxComplete() is deprecated, used on() instead.
* Fix. WooCommerce. Skip Apple Pay service request if WooCommerce check is disabled.
* Fix. WooCommerce. Added new sign of wp-ajax to skip WC order check.
* Fix. Integrations. Ninja Forms – added an exception for external forms.

= 6.26 Feb 01 2024
* New. Integration. WP GeoDirectory. Skip service actions and get necessary data directly on the hook ‘geodir_validate_ajax_save_post_data’.
* New. Integration. Kali Forms and Kali Forms pro direct integration.
* Fix. Comments. Added description.
* Fix. jQuery ajaxSetup interception. Logic refactored to fix unexpected interceptions during NoCookie data attachment.
* Fix. CleanTalk response. Fix UTF-8 decode/encode for non-mbstring instances.
* Fix. Integrations. Refactoring the definition of amp request.
* Fix. Integrations. Prevent undefined warnings occurring on WpForms.
* Fix. Integrations. Skip mailpoet service requests.
* Fix. SFW update. Direct update fixed. Queue stage status fixed.

6.25.1 Jan 23 2024

  • Fix. Integrations. Prevent undefined warning occur on WpForms.

6.25 Jan 17 2024

  • New. Integration. ‘Nextend Social Login and Register’ integration implemented.
  • New. Integration. WooCommerce Product Enquiry Premium integration implemented.
  • New. Integration. Hivepress theme listing check with no email form.
  • New. Code. Base call. Cache plugins list added to the CT request via sender_info.
  • Add. WPCLI. Possibility to create service.
  • Add. WPCLI. Possibility to set template and toggle settings.
  • Fix. Email encoder. Getting visitors IP fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Request validating fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. Search form service parameters removing fixed.
  • Fix. Exclusion. CleanTalk service requests excluded.
  • Fix. Mec forms calendar multipage form event_token reattach.
  • Fix. Integration. Enfold theme contact form. Service data excluded from email encoder. Response layout fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. Elementor get email, nickname fix.

6.24 Dec 21 2023

  • New. Integrations. WP Delicious integration implemented.
  • Fix. Search. Clear service field in MegaMenu search form.
  • Fix. Integration. Added direct mailpoet.
  • Fix. Integrations. UserRegistration extension compatible with cookie off mode.
  • Fix. Integration. User Registration Pro integration fixed.

6.23 Dec 07 2023

  • New. Integrations. Added handler for DHVC Form.
  • New. Integrations. Added handler for jetformbuilder.
  • Fix. Settings. Getting Access Key message fixed.
  • Fix. Integrations. Skip Flux Checkout service requests.
  • Fix. Integrations. Skip FunnelKit Automations cron worker.
  • Fix. Integrations. Handle Hubspot integration in Elementor Form.
  • Fix. Integrations. Forminator integration fixed.
  • Fix. Integrations. Skip handle in registration_error hook for wp-members.

6.22 Nov 23 2023

  • New. Integration. BackInStockNotifier – event token to alt cookies forced.
  • New. Plugin now use register_uninstall_hook() on uninstalling process. Some additional checks added during uninstalling.
  • Fix. WP Rocket compatibility improved.
  • Fix. CT AJAX check. FacetWP service actions ignore.
  • Fix. GravityForms huge memory usage fixed.
  • Mod. Email encoder. Pass key has been stronger.

6.21 Nov 09 2023

  • Fix. Readme. Plugin name fixed.
  • Mod. Integrations. Now can handle several required APBCT settings conditions to run the integration class.
  • Fix. Integrations. WPdiscuz logged-in users now handles correctly.
  • Mod. FW update. Use inner APBCT folder for uploads if common WP folder is not reachable.
  • Fix. Brief widget. Now shows not more than 8 bars in spam count.
  • Fix. SFW update. Additional fixes for uploads inner folder.
  • Fix. Use get_file_data instead of get_plugin_data on activate.
  • Fix. Fields signs exlusion form array conditions fixed.
  • Fix. SFW. SFW updating process fixed.
  • New. Integration. User Registration Pro.
  • Fix. Admin bar. Resetting counters fixed.
  • Fix. Settings. Changing email for getting access key fixed.
  • Mod. Integrations. Clear APBCT service fields for advanced-cf7-db plugin work.
  • New. Integration. Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro integration implemented.
  • Fix. CT AJAX check. Convertkit service actions ignore.
  • Fix. Statistic. Collecting blocked_ips.
  • Fix. Email encoder. Mailto links decoding fixed.
  • Update. Settings. Show message if auto get key not allow.

6.20 Oct 12 2023

  • Fix. Integrations. Gravity multi-page, removed duplicates of apbct_visible_fields.
  • Fix. Integrations. Simple Membership, deleted the user instead of set inactive status.
  • New. Integration. Delivra external forms integration implemented.
  • fix: doubles of hidden fields is fixed
  • Ref. All visible fields collection logic is moved to GetFieldsAny.php.
  • Fix: Integration with AjaxSearchLite
  • Mod: Event token to DB.
  • WP forms POST fields parser chunk added.
  • Fix. Cookie. Improved getting pixel url in alt mechanism.
  • Upd. Settings templates. A tip about templates deleting added.
  • Fix. Settings. The check links setting description fixed.
  • Mod: Added title to pixel tag
  • Fix: Fixed SFW class on php 8.2
  • fix: fixed localizer

6.19.1 Oct 02 2023

  • Upd. Plugin author name updated.

6.19 Sep 28 2023

  • Fix: SFW. Added is-writable check for sfw dir.
  • Fix: Integration. Updated handler for elementor.
  • Fix: Typo. Updated description for search protect.
  • Mod: Previous referrer now stores correctly in cases of refresh and backward/forward.
  • Fix: Integrations. Added trusted and affiliate sign for Elementor forms and Ninja forms.
  • Fix: Integration. Updated rule for show trusted text.
  • Mod: Integration. LeadFormBuilder now collects usernames and works fine with event_token provided.
  • Fix: Integration. Jetpack comments event_token gathering fixed.
  • Fix: Dashboard widget. Vew all button link fixed.
  • Mod: Now apbct_prev_referrer param contains the page URL that was visited before the page with the submitted form.
  • Fix: Widget. Added sort for date.
  • Mod: Save GET params on block screens
  • Fix: Integrations. Added exclusion for bot detector.
  • Fix: JsData. Update timestamp gathering for wp-rocket.
  • Fix: JS. Added exclude list for submit prev call.
  • Fix: Integrations. Added ReviewX.
  • Fix: User scanner.
  • Mod: Improved AMP integration.

6.18 Sep 14 2023

  • Fix: Exclusions. VBOUT Woocommerce Plugin service request excluded.
  • Fix: Developing. GitHub action midified.
  • New: JS. Add frontend params for typo.
  • New: Integration. Elementor UltimateAddons Register integration.
  • New: Integration. BuddyPress feedback collected on users management page.
  • Fix: Tests. SFW private lists test fixed.
  • Fix: Common. Check js hidden field drawing fixed.
  • Fix: Alt cookies. Clearing old data fixed.
  • New: AMP Plugin integration.

6.17 Aug 31 2023

  • Fix: SFW_update. Create temp table for personal data.
  • Fix: Email encoder. Prevent encoding emails into attributes aria-label.
  • New: Modal before deactivation is ready.
  • Fix: NoCookie. PreloadLocalstorage fixed. Previous value gain fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed apbct_timestamp.
  • Mod: Cookie. Cookie type is «Auto» (3) by defaults.
  • Fix: Anti-Crawler. Exclude W3 Total Cache minified files request from AC check.
  • New: Integration. MailPoet2 integration implemented.
  • Mod: Ninja forms bot-detector token gain via AltSessions.
  • Fix: AC. JSON parse to array instead of object.
  • Fix. Do not send event token to XHR if it is already sent and equal to the newly gained from moderate.
  • New: SFW. Separate 2s blacklists.

6.16 Aug 17 2023

  • Fix: External MailerLite fixed
  • Fix: Jetpack. Send apbct_timestamp to alt_cookies on alt-cookies forced forms.
  • Fix: Integration. LatePoint. Event token now can be added to dynamically rendered form.
  • Ref: Review notice
  • Fix: White Label
  • New: Integration. Zoho 3rd party service integration implemented.

6.15 Aug 3 2023

  • New. Integration. LatePoint booking integration implemented.
  • New. Integration. Cleantalk Register Widget integration implemented.
  • New. External forms. Protection via fake submit button implemented.
  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility. NinjaForms. Fixed negative response logic.
  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility. WPForms. Disable form protect on form editing for logged-in users.
  • Fix: excluded trp_get_translations_regular action Artem
  • Fix. Pixel. Added validation for pixel url.
  • Fix: Fixed apbctPrepareBlockForAjaxForms().
  • Mod. Bot-detector field clearance. Now use the name attribute instead of ID.

6.14.2 Jul 26 2023

  • Fix. Additional frontend scripts fixes.

6.14.1 Jul 26 2023

  • Fix. Public frontend scripts fixed.

6.14 Jul 20 2023

  • New. Integration. Flux Checkout for WooCommerce service requests skipped.
  • New. Integration. Some external form protection implemented.
  • Fix. Alt cookies. Parameters input_focused and key_up storing fixed.
  • Fix. apbct_cookie() call. Do not skip requests if GET contains ‘q’.
  • Fix. Exclusions. Logic modified, legacy support improved.
  • Fix. Jetpack integration. Params gathering fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. WPForms blocking message fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Checking REST availability fixed.
  • Fix. Common. DNS – using global variable DNS_TXT refactored.
  • Fix. Common. CookiesBot integration added.
  • Fix. Common. Blocking message for custom ajax forms fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Enable event token for all requests.
  • Fix. Cookies. Do not skip native cookie set if localStorage object persist.
  • Fix. Integration. Avada fusion builder. Collect the inner form data correctly.
  • Fix. Public scripts. Interception of ajax response logic fixed.
  • Fix. SFW. Force direct updating flag implemented.

6.13 Jul 06 2023

  • Fix. PHP 8.1 compat. Email encoder.
  • Fix. PHP 8.1 compat. Check users/comments. Title is not null forced.
  • Fix. Ultimate Form Builder. Message clearance.
  • Fix. NoCookie data clearance. New function apbct_clear_query_from_service_fields() clear the value of form service fields instead of unset it if the value is get-query-like.
  • Update. SFW. Check sfw temp table exists before insert data.
  • Fix. Integration. Ultimate Form Builder Lite. Glue same key values.
  • Fix. Integration. OptimizePress checkout exclusions.
  • Update. SFW. Use isTableExists instead of direct query.
  • Fix. cleantalk-public-integrations.php. ct_s2member_registration_test(). Integration fixed.
  • Fix. Settings. Use DELETE SQL-command instead TRUNCATE option deleted.
  • Fix. Settings. Checking REST availability fixed.

6.12 Jun 22 2023

  • New. Restoring WC blocked orders implemented.
  • Fix. Exclude. Excluded request from ProfilePress login form.
  • Fix. JS. External form not copied value for checkbox or radio button, fixed.
  • Fix. Exclude login. Excluded UserPro login form request.
  • Fix. Cleantalk AJAX check. Avada form builder fields collection fixed.
  • Fix. Do not load public scripts for logged-in users if «protect logged-in» option is disabled.
  • Fix. Mouse pointer data set. Alt cookie skipping condition fixed.
  • Fix. Force ajax type with constant APBCT_SET_AJAX_ROUTE_TYPE.
  • Fix. Hidden fileds exclusions refactored. Woocommerce login form sign added to exclude hidden fields attach.
  • Fixed text while encoding
  • Fix. Email encoder. Return HTML escap for privacy policy links.
  • Fix. Fetch XHR. TWT email signup form catch impemented with jQuery.
  • Fix. Comments and users checker. Whitelable mode brands shown correct.
  • Fix. Woocommerce integration. Route «\?wc-ajax=cfw_validate_email_domain» is skipped from APBCT check.
  • Fix. WC blocked orders. Hyperlinks on the admin bar fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Get fields any – message detecting fixed.

6.11.2 Jun 14 2023

  • Fix. Mouse pointer data set. Alt cookie skipping condition fixed.

6.11.1 Jun 13 2023

  • Fix. Honeypot for searchforms. Reverted changes normalized.
  • Fix. Custom forms. AJAX search pro exclusions updated.

6.11 Jun 08 2023

  • New. Bot detector added for several forms.
  • Fix. Honeypot field for search forms now contains a value.
  • Fixed error with DOMDocument
  • Added libxml_clear_errors()
  • Fix. Js. Fixed logic for case when form is excluded.
  • Add. Integration. Added integration for SendyWidgetPro.
  • Fix. Remove searchform sign from POST data check.
  • Fix. Comment checker. Comment type «review» support added.
  • Fix. White label. Brand replacement fixed.
  • Fix. Integrations. Handle case when Gravity Form rebuild document if form validation failed.
  • Fix. JS. Add check that jquery exists.
  • Fix. Javascript. Catching XHR fixed.
  • Fix. Form Signs Exclusions. Update handle for case if apbct_skip_this_form in POST[data]
  • Fix. Pixel. Special GET snippet added to skip Nitorpack CDN and caching.
  • Moved apbct_cookie to init
  • Correct apbct_page_hits cookie
  • Fix. Admin. Checking ajax requests improved.
  • Fix. apbct-public–2–public.js -> ctMouseReadInterval is declared early.
  • Fix. SFW. Triggered IP hyperlink fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Unset event_token service field from requests.
  • Fix. Integrations. Excluded wpform email validate request.

6.10 May 24 2023

  • Fix. Integrations. Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder: Exclude login form request.
  • Fix: Integration. Digits – extra request fixed
  • New: Integration. Indeed Ultimate Membership Pro integration implemented.
  • Fix: Integration. Indeed Ultimate Membership Pro – exclude request from general forms catching.
  • Fix. Pixel. Pixel gathering fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed MetForm Integration
  • fix: fixed block message
  • fix: fixed block message – eform
  • fix: fixed unknown block response
  • Fix. WC_Invoice4U exclusion.
  • Fix. NoCookie. Remove noise from base64 string.
  • Added exlutions for Localize
  • New. Store WC spam orders.
  • Fix. Integration. Skip OptimizeCheckouts fields checks
  • New. White label. Replace brands data to apbct->data[wl_*].
  • Fix. Cookies. Native cookies mode fixed.

6.9.2 May 5 2023

  • Fix: local_storage_pixel_url fixed

6.9.1 May 2 2023

  • Fix. Fixed javascript
  • Fix: no_cookie_data_taken fixed

6.9 Apr 27 2023

  • Ref: Exclusion roles refactored, exclusion signs group added, groups names layout changed.
  • Mod: Improved code style.
  • Ref: GDPR. Removed logic.
  • Mod: Update. Cookie auto. Set setting to cookie – off, in case if data processing in auto and cache plugin detected.
  • Fix: SFW. Made the priority list a priority.
  • New: Digits integration implemented.
  • New: Modern Events Calendar integration implemented.
  • Fix: Common. Page url parameter fixed.
  • Fix: Integration. Skip Billige-teste theme 1st step checkout request.
  • Fix: Integrations. Skip WS Forms Pro request – have the direct integration.
  • Fix: Integrations. Gravity Forms block message layout fixed.

6.8 Apr 13 2023

  • Add. New tags


div> in custom response message.
* Update. WPMS. Update counters for spam users.
* Update. SFW. Update message on sfw die page.
* Fix. Manage Spam Comments. Fixed approve comment logic.
* Fix. External forms.
* Fix. Block message for BricksExtras.
* Fix. Excluded resize-image().
* Fix. FluentForm integration.
* Fix. Excluded requests from Profile Builder.

6.7 Mar 30 2023

  • Added rotateModerateAndUseIP() if attempt is failed
  • Mod. Force use CleanTalk http request instead of WP HTTP API.
  • Add. Js. Gathering errors.
  • Mod. Skip third retry if rotateModerateAndUseIP() does not help.
  • Mod: Added another MemberPress Integration Signup Form
  • Add. Js. Gather errors in db.
  • FluentForms fixed
  • Fix: fixed sendAjaxCheckingDinamicFormData()
  • Fix. HTTP lib. WP 6.2+ supporting implemented.
  • Fix. Settings. Default value for data__email_decoder_buffer added.
  • Mod: Another integration with GiveWP
  • Mod. Remove redundant option «Use SSL».
  • Mod. Remove redundant code in API.
  • Fix: Excluded request with wcf_check_email_exists – CartFlows
  • Update. Notice review. Refactoring notice.
  • Update. Internal forms. Removed jquery dependencies.
  • Add. Js. Added mail view, cron task, and improve js execute.
  • Update. Mail view. Removed Manage notifications settings link from mail footer.
  • Fix: Fixed apbct_wp_validate_auth_cookie()
  • Fix. Integration. bbPress: replies protection fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Connection reports and Update sentinel objects fixed.

6.6 Mar 16 2023

  • Excluded qsm_save_resume_auto_save_data action
  • Exclude request from QSM – Save & Resume Addon
  • Added correct block message
  • removed jquery from scripts
  • Fix. Integrations. Added exclusion for Optima Express search.
  • Fix. Integrations. Added no_cookie_data for popup dynamic form.
  • Fix. Settings. Ajax JS setting description fixed.
  • Fixed ct_get_checkjs_value()
  • Fix: excluded the form from javascript processing
  • Fix. Users scanner. Delete action added for the non-checkable users found.
  • fix: fixed apbct_is_plugin_active function name
  • Fix. Comments managing. Public side managing comments fixed
  • Fix: Fixed apbctProcessIframes()
  • fix: fixed fusion block message
  • Fix. Admin notices. Layout styles fixed.
  • Fix. Admin notices. Dismissing notices logic fixed.
  • Fix. Admin notices. «Review» notices logic fixed.
  • Fix. Admin notices. JS errors during notice dismissing fixed.
  • Update. JS. Rewrote logic without jquery in external file.
  • New. SFW update sentinel (reporting about failing updates).
  • Fix. Readme. Old changelogs moved to ‘changelog.php’.
  • Fix. Integration. BuddyPress integration – register protection fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. JetPack contact form – js checking fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. bbPress integration – topic creation protection fixed.
  • Fix. Common. JS – added delayed listeners for delayed forms.
  • Update. JS. Handle external forms in frames.

6.5 Mar 02 2023

  • New. State autoupdating. Set new settings values during plugin update.
  • New. Integrations. Integration with LeadFormBuilder.
  • New. Integrations. Added Ultimate Membership Pro.
  • Fix. Integrations. Exclude checkbox and radio inputs from message data.
  • Fix: Fixed z-index overlay
  • Fix: Added stopping script for easylogin
  • Fix. Code. Ajax request initialization fixed.
  • Fix. JS localizing. JS object defining fixed.
  • Fix. Code. WP-Rocket JS minification preventing.
  • Fix. Code. No cookie fields ID attribute removed.
  • Fix. Remote calls. Getting template RC fixed.

6.4.1 Feb 20 2023

  • Fix. Search fields. Add unreachable option.

6.4 Feb 16 2023

New integrations added ⚙, Email Encoder functionality improved 😎, CDN support improved 🐸, many integrations fixed 🐞 and some minor issues fixed 💪🏼

  • New. Added mail encoding via buffer.
  • New. Localize data with wp_head (support Ezoic, CF, LS cache etc).
  • New. Integration. WP Booking System plugin integration implemented.
  • Fix. Skip Ajax Search Pro forms from hidden field adding.
  • Fix. Cookie apbct_timestamp is set as HttpOnly.
  • Add. Integrations. Add HubSpot integration, extend logic for external forms handler.
  • Fix. Common. CAPD catching fixed.
  • Update. Integrations. Add handler for run previous onsubmit action in dinamic rendered external forms.
  • Fix. Integration. RegistrationMagic service requests excluded.
  • Fix. Common. Collecting JS on custom forms fixed.
  • Fix. Integrations. Fix onload event handler overwrited.
  • Fix. JS. Gathering visible fields fixed.
  • Fix. Integrations. Check each external forms on page, instead of return with first exclusion.
  • Fix. Integrations. Skip woocommerce add to cart trigger.
  • Fix. Integrations. Woocommerce add excluded condition for password recovery form.
  • Fix. Integrations. Skip WooCommerce addon – Wati – action for customers who came from Whatsapp.
  • Fix. EmailEncoder. Add style color setting to popup text element.
  • Fix. Integrations. User meta through is_ajax param.

6.3.1 Feb 02 2023

  • Fix. Integrations. Add rules for catching metform fetch.

6.3 Feb 02 2023

Several form builders integrated 🎯, many integrations fixed 🐞 and some minor issues fixed 💪🏼

  • Add. Integrations. Added Mailoptin.
  • Add. Integrations. Added Metform.
  • Fix. Integration. Ultimate Form Builder collecting parameters fixed.
  • New. Common. Added new filter to preprocessed data for the visible fields comparing.
  • Fix. Integration. UFB visible fields processing filter implemented.
  • Fix. Common. No cookie data gathering fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. Skip ActiveCampaign for WooCommerce service request.
  • Fix. Integration. Skip AutomateWoo service request
  • Mod. RemoteCalls. RC run_service_template_get cooldown changed from 3600 to 60 seconds.
  • Fix. Hosting license. Checking license status fixed.
  • Fix. Hosting license. Settings saving fixed.
  • Fix. Clear no_cookie_data_taken stat on State init.
  • Fix. Kali forms precheck skipped.
  • Fix. Clear no_cookie_data_taken stat on State init.
  • Fix. Common. Akismet compatibility in comments management part.
  • Fix. Translations. Now plugin can use local .mo files.
  • Fix. Dashboard chartjs. Added options for support an outdated chartjs version 2.9.
  • Fix. Integrations. Nobletitlecalc custom plugin exclusion.
  • Fix. SFW. Queue is in progress logic fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. AutomateWoo services requests excluded.
  • Fix. Integration. WooCommerce checking JS fixed.

6.2.1 Jan 24 2023

  • Fix. Integration. Convert Pro form integration fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. AJAX forms JS detection fix.
  • Fix. NoCookie. Message field clearance from service data.
  • Fix. Updater. PHP 8.0 compatibility.
  • Fix. Search forms. New sign of search forms to handle via NoCookie mode.
  • Fix. Search forms. Fix JS error while parsing NoCookie data.

6.2 Jan 19 2023

New remote call handled added, common parameters implemented, some integrations fixed and some minor issues fixed 💪🏼

  • New. RC. Remote call service_template_get implemented.
  • New. Common. New params from JS has_focused and has_keyup.
  • Fix: If cookies_type===none – unset cookies_enabled
  • Mod. Integrations. Force AltCookies usage for Ninja Forms on NoCookies mode.
  • Mod. Integrations. Force AltCookies usage for Smart Forms on NoCookies mode.
  • Mod. Integrations. Force NoCookie data setting via direct integration for UltimateFormBuilder.
  • Mod. Chart source changed to opensource ChartJS.
  • Fix. Admin widget. Do not enqueue scripts if the widget is disabled.
  • Fix. Helper. Php notice fixed.
  • Fix. New AJAX integrations skip rules moved AJAX part.
  • Fix. ErrorToggle logic.
  • Fix. SFW. SFW outdated notice fixed.
  • Fix. Email encoder. Do not send encoded email to the cloud.
  • Fix: Fixed counter of checked comments when press pause
  • Fix. SFW. New statuses 99 implemented.
  • Fix. Added notice_email_decoder_changed banner
  • Fix. Fixed notice_email_decoder_changed()
  • Fix. SFW. Blocking pages for the testing purpose fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed counter of checked comments when press pause
  • Fix. Common. page_hits, prev_referer, site_referer parameters collecting fixed.
  • Fix. Common. Parameters collecting fixed.
  • Fix. Settings. Cookies option description fixed.
  • Fix. Admin. Dashboard widget fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. Formidable integration fixed.
  • Fix. Integration. Ultimate Form Builder integration fixed.
  • Fix. Ajax. Skipping direct integrations requests fixed.

Early changelogs look in changelog.txt