Easy YouTube Gallery


Use this plugin when you wish to quick insert gallery grid composed from custom selected YouTube videos.

For automated latest or random videos collected from YouTube channel, favourites, liked videos or playlist check out My YouTube Channel


  • Custom set of ID’s provided as shortcode attribute id (single of multiple ID’s separated by comma)
  • Custom additional class for targeted styling (if you need to blend gallery in your theme)
  • Custom number of columns to distribute thumbnails to (min 1, max 8)
  • Custom set video titles as shortcode content (separate by newline or pipe)
  • Responsive thumbnails
  • Autoplay with Magnific PopUp lightbox
  • Well marked with classes


  • Main container:
    • .easy_youtube_gallery
    • .col-# for number of columns (default is 1, supported up to 8)
    • .ar-16_9 for 16:9, .ar-4_3 for 4:3 or .ar-square for 1:1 aspect ratio
    • custom class provided by shortcode attribute class
  • Anchor:
    • .eytg-item
    • .eytg-item-# for order number of item
    • .eytg-item-first for first item in gallery block
    • .eytg-item-mid for middle items in gallery block
    • .eytg-item-last for last item in gallery block
  • Title: (new in 1.0.4)
    • .eytg-title for custom video title
    • .top positioning custom video title on top of thumbnail
    • .bottom positioning custom video title on bottom of thumbnail
  • Thumbnail:
    • .eytg-thumbnail is class for span where we set video thumbnail as background image
  • Play icon
    • .eytg-thumbnail:before is pseudoclass for play icon

How To Use?

Full shortcode

[easy_youtube_gallery id=uMK0prafzw0,8Uee_mcxvrw,HcXNPI-IPPM,JvMXVHVr72A,AIXUgtNC4Kc,K8nrF5aXPlQ,cegdR0GiJl4,L-wpS49KN00,KbW9JqM7vho ar=16_9 cols=3 thumbnail=hqdefault controls=0 playsinline=1 privacy=1 title=top wall=1 class=mySuperClass]
Title One
Second Title
Video 3
Fourth Video
YouTube 5
Sixth YouTube
Video No. 7
Player #8
9th item

Basic shortcode

[easy_youtube_gallery id=uMK0prafzw0,8Uee_mcxvrw,HcXNPI-IPPM cols=3]

Please note! If you doing copy&paste from code above, before you paste content to page, post or text widget content, clear all formatting by paste&copy to/from Notepad or other plain text editor!

Shortcode parameters

  • id (required) single YouTube video ID or multiple ID’s separated with comma
  • ar (optional) aspect ratio of thumbnails; default is ar-16_9 for 16:9, but also supported ar-4_3 for 4:3 and ar-square for 1:1
  • cols (optional) for number of columns to distribute thumbnails in; devault is 1, supported up to 8
  • thumbnail (optional) for YouTube size of thumbnail; default is hqdefault but we can use:
    • 0 have resolution 480x360px
    • 1, 2 and 3 have resolution 120x90px (first, second or third frame)
    • default have resolution 120x90px (Default Quality)
    • mqdefault have resolution 320x180px (Medium Quality)
    • hqdefault have resolution 480x360px (High Quality)
    • sddefault have resolution 640x480px (Standard Definition) and does not exists for lowres videos
    • maxresdefault have resolution 1920x1080px (Full HD) and does not exists for lowres videos
  • controls (optional) to optionally hide playback controls in lightbox player (default is 1 that means «display controls», but you can set it to 0 to hide controls)
  • privacy (optional) enables enhanced privacy which means that YouTube won’t store information about visitors on your web page unless they play the video. (0 or 1)
  • playsinline controls whether videos play inline or fullscreen in an HTML5 player on iOS. Learn more on Google Developers (0 or 1)
  • class (optional) to add custom style class if you wish to target specific styling for your own needs
  • wall (optional) render video wall with player at top and thumbnails below (0 or 1)
  • title (optional) set custom video titles position (top or bottom)


  • Replace MagnificPopUp with newer library
  • VisualComposer block
  • Inline player instead of opening in lightbox


  • Easy YouTube Gallery full shortcode and 9 videos distributed to 3 column example
  • TinyMCE addon to easy insert shortcode


  1. Login to your WordPress.
  2. Go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Type to Search Plugins field keyword Easy YouTube Gallery and press Enter on your keyboard.
  4. Click Install Now button.
  5. When plugin is successfully installed, clik link Activate Plugin
  6. Insert shortcode [easy_youtube_gallery id=YT_VIDEO_ID,YT_VIDEO_ID,YT_VIDEO_ID...,YT_VIDEO_ID] (replace YT_VIDEO_ID with your set of YouTube video ID’s)


Do I need to wrap shortcode parameters to doublequotes or singlequotes?

No. I even suggest to you avoid wrapping shortcode parameters to double/single quotes to prevent broken output when some plugins modify content with nasty filters.

Just avoid empty space between ID’s.

Is there any way to make the pop up player any bigger?

You can use custom style with following selector and a rule:

.ytc-mfp-container.ytc-mfp-iframe-holder .ytc-mfp-content {
  max-width: 1200px;

Just set preferred popup max width in pixels.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.


28 de enero de 2018
I’ve done a lot of shopping around for a very basic (but beautiful) youtube gallery that I can customize with some CSS. Not all of them were simple or easy to manage (or functioning on all devices.) Most plugins for this purpose were bloated with extra panels in the Worpdress menu where you had to click on a button to «style» something. Kind of unnecessary for my needs. This one works on both my desktop and iphone – yay! While I haven’t toyed with it much yet, I can just see the possibilities with a little added CSS. So far, so good! Great little plugin! I’m excited to use it to its full capacity!
16 de noviembre de 2017
Easy to install, customize and user friendly. Thank you!
1 de junio de 2017
Lightweight, easy to use, the shortcodes allow you to get some basic customizations. Shortly put, perfect for my needs!
22 de marzo de 2017
Simple! Fast! Easy to Use! The best Thanks Developer
Leer todas las 9 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Easy YouTube Gallery» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


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Registro de cambios

1.0.5 (2025-01-16)

  • Test on WordPress 6.7.1 and PHP 8.3.13
  • Test on WordPress 3.9.40, Twenty Twelve 1.4 and PHP 5.4.45
  • Fixed XSS vulnerability reported on patchstack by muhammad yudha researcher
  • Refactor code
  • Optimize play image
  • Removed deprecated embed parameter modestbranding https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#release_notes_08_15_2023

1.0.4 (2017-01-20)

  • (2017-01-20) Fix: Wall mode TinyMCE value not respected
  • (2016-03-24) Add: Support for custom video titles set as shortcode content
  • Fix: Add missing clearfix
  • (2015-10-23) Fix: TinyMCE button does not have icon when new post/page is created.
  • Add: Wall mode to play videos in big screen above thumbnails instead to open popup.
  • Change: Sassify plugin style files.

1.0.3 (2015-10-04)

  • Add: Support for YouTube features Ehnanced Privacy and PlaysInline
  • Enhance: Use minified version of CSS and JS
  • Cleanup: Make code compliant to WordPress Core coding standard

1.0.2 (2015-06-22)

  • Update: MagnificPopupAU library to latest version (sync to YouTube Channel)
  • Update: Support to init lightbox on AJAX content loading

1.0.1 (2015-05-27)

  • Add: TinyMCE button to easy compose shortcode

1.0.0 (2015-05-26)

  • Initial plugin release