Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More


Get images in your RSS feed instantly for free. Output blog featured images to Mailchimp RSS email campaigns, ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft, Hubspot, Zoho, Feedburner, Bloglovin’, Feedly, and other services that use RSS feed data. Also works with WooCommerce product images for product-based RSS campaigns! A trusted plugin, developed in California with over 30,000 active installs and 75+ five star reviews. We actively answer every support forum thread.

Featured Images In RSS was built for content marketers. Easy set-up with minimal configuration to get up and running in minutes.

This plugin is forever free. Upgrade to Premium to unlock powerful features for content marketing. Developed and supported in the United States by 5 Star Plugins.

Características gratuitas:

  • Can be used in any marketing automation service.
  • Select Featured Image Size: thumbnail, medium, large, any theme-specific sizes, or full size
  • Select Image Position: left above text, left text wrap, right text wrap, or centered above text
  • Relleno: establece instantáneamente el espacio entre la imagen y el texto del cuerpo.
  • Feedly: es compatible con el nombre de la clase `webfeedsFeaturedVisual` en el HTML de la imagen.
  • WooCommerce: Instantly add product photos to the product RSS feeds, and create product-based RSS campaigns.
  • Free support through the WordPress Support Forum.
  • Plugin updates with free version new features, fixes and security patches.

Premium Upgrade Features

Enjoy a 14-day free trial no credit card required. Check out this full suite of image customization features for professional marketing.

  • Tech Support: Expert support in the U.S. to help get everything working and looking great.
  • Media and Enclosure Tags: Some services require it and it allows you to custom design email templates.
  • Use Media tag images only: Fix duplicate images issues when using image tags for advanced template designs.
  • Tamaños de imagen personalizados: Personalizar completamente el tamaño de la visualización de la imagen para los feeds RSS.
  • Feature Body Image: No featured photos set? No problem. Use the first photo from the body of posts.
  • Desactivar las imágenes adaptables: Ayuda a corregir los servicios que tienen problemas con el código de imagen adaptable, como la vista previa de Mailchimp.
  • Excluir categorías: Excluir las categorías no deseadas que no han sido pensadas para ser incluidas en el feed RSS, como la página de inicio o las categorías destacadas.
  • Contenido personalizado en los feeds: Añade contenido personalizado (texto o HTML) antes o después de la publicación, como backlinks o anuncios.
  • Publish Delay: Add a time buffer to new posts from instantly hitting the RSS feed to safeguard from typos or accidents.
  • Premium plugin updates with new features, fixes and security patches.

Recomendaciones reales

«Es imprescindible para la comercialización de contenido. Es una manera fácil de personalizar las imágenes que aparecen en el feed RSS – no más imágenes feas pre-pobladas. Me encanta la integración con Mailchimp. Es genial tener mucho control sobre nuestro contenido ¡La imagen lo es todo! «» – @morganmariequinn Leer la reseña

«Debes tenerlo para los temas basados en la imagen destacada y los usuarios de MailChimp. Durante varios años mi tema de WordPress ha utilizado imágenes destacadas en la cabecera de todos mis mensajes. El problema era, que la imagen de la cabecera se perdía en la alimentación de mi feed RSS a MailChimp, … A veces la imagen es muy crucial para el post (por no mencionar más agradable), por lo que este plugin es un salvavidas.» – @ericdye Leer la reseña

«Simplemente funciona – encantador! Genial con MailChimp..He instalado este plugin, cambiado la configuración (muy simple) y las imágenes destacadas comenzaron a aparecer en mis campañas de MailChimp de inmediato – perfecto! – @barn2media Leer la reseña

¡Te prometemos que te encantarán las características que este plugin proporciona para tu automatización de marketing de contenido!

Need help or wish it did something else as well? Use the Support tab to submit your thoughts.

¿Te gusta este plugin? Por favor envía una valoración y reseña, Apreciamos tu alavanza. (¿Tienes un problema? Publica un post en el foro de soporte antes de dejar una valoración negativa)


  • Un ejemplo de feed RSS con imágenes incluidas a la izquierda con el texto que se envuelve a la derecha, de tamaño mediano.
  • Un ejemplo de RSS feed con imágenes destacadas incluidas encima del texto, tamaño completo.
  • Una captura de pantalla de las opciones del plugin.
  • Un triste ejemplo de una fuente RSS sin imágenes, porque no están usando este plugin. No tengas RSS feeds triste, utiliza este plugin!


Go to Plugins -> Add New, search for the name of the plugin, and then find it in the list, and click Install Now, then Activate. Configure the plugin options as desired.

Or use the manual upload method if you have a plugin ZIP file:

  1. Click the Upload option. Choose the plugin zip file. Click the Upload button.
  2. Activa el plugin.
  3. Configure the plugin options as desired.



Visit the WordPress support forum here for free plugin support only. Premium support is provided through our Premium Knowledge Center and by contacting us from your WordPress Dashboard plugin settings page.

How do I use it? Where do I go to edit plugin options?

After successful installation and activation, go to “Featured Images” settings in your WordPress Dashboard. Look for it in the black left sidebar. This is where you can configure this plugin and find links to support.

Las imágenes no se alinean o redimensionan correctamente

Por favor, ten en cuenta que la alineación y el tamaño de CSS a veces es eliminado dependiendo del lector/servicio de RSS que estás usando y puede necesitar CSS personalizado dentro del servicio que estás usando (Mailchimp, etc)

Ver un ejemplo de código de plantilla RSS de Mailchimp

¿Necesitas centrar tu imagen en Mailchimp?

La versión premium incluye ahora soporte para etiquetas multimedia y de imagen, que puede funcionar mejor con tu servicio RSS.

No images showing in your RSS feed?

Always check your raw feed first. Validate your feed is working here https://validator.w3.org/feed/ and you can use other services to preview what the feed displays visually.

If the images are NOT showing up in your raw feed with our plugin installed and activated, please visit the forum to submit the issue if you use the free version or contact our Premium support page if upgraded.

If they are showing in the raw feed, then it’s a reader service issue and not a feed issue with this plugin.

Be sure your site is NOT blocking image requests that do not have the referrer domain set in the request header, usually an option or setting labeled «protect images» or «disable image hotlinking». If there’s not an obvious plugin cause of this, it could be a CDN like Cloudflare, or some lines like these in your .htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^https://domain.com/.$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^https://www.domain.com/.
$ [NC]
RewriteRule .*.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$ – [F,NC]

Images ARE showing in RSS but not showing in Mailchimp

First, make sure the RSS feed URL set-up in Mailchimp is correct and validated. Validate your feed is working here https://validator.w3.org/feed/

Please see our Mailchimp specific help if all of the above is correct and you still can’t view the images in your Mailchimp email.

Images ARE showing in RSS but not showing in Hubspot

First, make sure the RSS feed URL set-up in Hubspot is correct and validated. Validate your feed is working here https://validator.w3.org/feed/

If images are showing up in your feed data, then it may be a Hubspot specific setting, and you may need to enable images in the Hubspot feed reader, as mentioned in these Hubspot articles:

How-to set-up an RSS to email in Hubspot:

Hubspot RSS module product update:

Hubspot RSS email styling:

If it’s still not working, it’s best to contact Hubspot support to see if they can help with how to link up the image in the RSS description field, or the image in the Media tag, to the RSS item URL.

Double images showing

You might have both the featured image set, as well as a body image inserted. Delete the body image to have one image show up. If your theme doesn’t show the featured image, and you’re adding a body image so it shows, then either change themes or customize the theme so it displays the featured image – it can be easy or hard, depending on how the theme is coded and styled.

This issue can occur in some services when using advanced design features. Our Premium version fix duplicate images issues with an option to use Media tag images only. It can fix duplicate images issues when using image tags for advanced template designs.

Still having trouble with double images? Visit our forum thread for free version users: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/2-images/

How does the plugin work with Mailchimp?

There are two ways our plugin works within Mailchimp, the free way and the Premium way.

The free way: It prepends the part of the RSS feed with the image URL, and so in Mailchimp using the RSSITEM:CONTENT or RSSITEM:CONTENT_FULL merge tag will show the image successfully, with two caveats: one, if your website is not on https, Mailchimp’s Preview Mode has an issue with the images, but a test or real email send should work fine. And two, you may need some custom CSS to style/size it.

The Premium way: When you check the Media Tag option, it creates and includes the Media:Content block, and then in Mailchimp you can use the RSSITEM:IMAGE merge tag, and place the image wherever you like, create custom designs, etc. Those same two caveats apply, non-https websites may not show the images in Preview Mode but should work when sent, and custom CSS is even more desirable, which we can help with, and which is why it’s a Premium option.

Blurry images in Mailchimp or other Services

Blurry images usually means the size selected in the plugin’s option page is too small. Try increasing it, or using «Full» size. If still blurry using Full, then the original image size uploaded is too small, upload a larger image.

The other option is to use some custom CSS to display the image(s) smaller in the email, max width should always be 600px for Mailchimp, so make sure your images are at least that large, and ideally exactly that width, with a reasonable height (300-500px typically).

Free Features

  • Tamaño de imagen destacado: Selecciona desde miniatura, medio, grande, cualquier tamaño específico del tema y tamaño completo.
  • Posición de la imagen: Selecciona Imagen a la izquierda encima del texto, Envoltura de texto de imagen a la izquierda, Envoltura de texto de imagen a la derecha e Imagen centrada sobre el texto.
  • Relleno: establece instantáneamente el espacio entre la imagen y el texto del cuerpo.
  • Feedly: Now support Feedly’s webfeedsFeaturedVisual class name on image HTML.

Funciones de la versión premium

Upgrade to the Premium version for a full suite of image customization features for professional marketing.

Enjoy a 14-day free trial no credit card required. Check out this full suite of image customization features for professional marketing.

  • Tech Support: Expert support in the U.S. to help get everything working and looking great.
  • Media and Enclosure Tags: Some services require it and it allows you to custom design email templates.
  • Use Media tag images only: Fix duplicate images issues when using image tags for advanced template designs.
  • Tamaños de imagen personalizados: Personalizar completamente el tamaño de la visualización de la imagen para los feeds RSS.
  • Feature Body Image: No featured photos set? No problem. Use the first photo from the body of posts.
  • Desactivar las imágenes adaptables: Ayuda a corregir los servicios que tienen problemas con el código de imagen adaptable, como la vista previa de Mailchimp.
  • Excluir categorías: Excluir las categorías no deseadas que no han sido pensadas para ser incluidas en el feed RSS, como la página de inicio o las categorías destacadas.
  • Contenido personalizado en los feeds: Añade contenido personalizado (texto o HTML) antes o después de la publicación, como backlinks o anuncios.
  • Publish Delay: Add a time buffer to new posts from instantly hitting the RSS feed to safeguard from typos or accidents.
  • Premium plugin updates with new features, fixes and security patches.


Recomendaciones reales

«Es imprescindible para la comercialización de contenido. Es una manera fácil de personalizar las imágenes que aparecen en el feed RSS – no más imágenes feas pre-pobladas. Me encanta la integración con Mailchimp. Es genial tener mucho control sobre nuestro contenido ¡La imagen lo es todo! «» – @morganmariequinn Leer la reseña

«Debes tenerlo para los temas basados en la imagen destacada y los usuarios de MailChimp. Durante varios años mi tema de WordPress ha utilizado imágenes destacadas en la cabecera de todos mis mensajes. El problema era, que la imagen de la cabecera se perdía en la alimentación de mi feed RSS a MailChimp, … A veces la imagen es muy crucial para el post (por no mencionar más agradable), por lo que este plugin es un salvavidas.» – @ericdye Leer la reseña

«Simplemente funciona – encantador! Genial con MailChimp..He instalado este plugin, cambiado la configuración (muy simple) y las imágenes destacadas comenzaron a aparecer en mis campañas de MailChimp de inmediato – perfecto! – @barn2media Leer la reseña

¡Te prometemos que te encantarán las características que este plugin proporciona para tu automatización de marketing de contenido!

¿Necesitas ayuda?

Asegúrate de revisar los debates de soporte para ver si tu pregunta ya ha sido respondida. Si no es así, envía tu pregunta y la contestaremos.

¿Te encanta este plugin?

Please submit a rating and review, we’d appreciate your testimonial.

(¿Tienes un problema? Publica en los foros de soporte antes de dejar una mala reseña.)


8 de octubre de 2024 3 respuestas
DO NOT USE THIS PLUGIN, it creates a no follow in the post URL, screwing you on Google.
31 de diciembre de 2023 1 respuesta
The plugin generates an add on top of each admin page, that you can’t get rid. Even if you close it, it appears again next time you save a post or do anything. So un installing the plugin was the only way to get rid off it… Great «over marketing» 😀 😀
26 de octubre de 2023 1 respuesta
Its a clean and simple UI plugin. You don’t need to configure anything complicated. Jus a few clicks, that’s all. Kudos to the team.
27 de julio de 2023 1 respuesta
It doesn’t actually do anything except insert 4 pages of advertising in your admin console. Maybe if you pay it does something, but the free does nothing at all. Which is, no images were added to the RSS feeds.
23 de enero de 2023 1 respuesta
On the positive side, the plugin is very easy to configure and use (once it works), and it does its job of adding images to RSS feeds very well. I am using the premium version, and it is one of the only plugins which provides a valid and well-structured RSS feed, which also remains valid and correctly visible in email marketing solutions over time. Unfortunately, it also has its downside: the free version is way too limited (so it did not work for my intended use), and the upgrade messages are simply too frequent and insisting. The trial activation as well as the upgrade to the premium version were not easy, too, given that the free version remained visible even after the trial/upgrade. It seems that somehow the settings of the plugin were being cached by my caching plugin, which was easily solved for the trial (by clearing the cache), but caused more trouble and persisting issues for the final premium activation. After clearing the cache and trying «cachebuster» suggestions by support, re-synching the license, deactivating/re-activating the plugin, re-installing the plugin, and installing other plugins, the issue finally solved «automagically» and disappeared, without being able to find a real culprit (but losing way too much time). The worst part of the premium plugin is that, even after I paid 70$ for it and upgraded it, I am still constantly seeing three messages from the plugin in the WP backend (one about their affiliate program, one which states «W00t! Premium plugin version was successfully activated» and another almost identical message, but in Italian). I closed all three messages way too many times by clicking the «x» button (given that there is no «Don’t show this message again» option), but they keep appearing as soon as I refresh the page. I was hoping to have found the ideal RSS feed image plugin to use on all client sites which need this feature, but unfortuantely I am not sure at all if I will renew their license, or start «spamming» other clients websites with such annoying messages. Concerning the use on multiple websites, it has also to be noted that their bulk pricing structure is not generous at all, their single license is already quite on the high price tier with 70$/year, but providing a maximum multi-site discount of only 24% (for the maximum of 20 sites) is making it even more disappointing, especially if you see how other providers (even for way more complex and resource-intensive plugins) are offering 50%-90% multi-site discounts. Summing up, there is still a lot to improve in order to make this a really good plugin. I would expect a more «one-click» approach for activating the trial as well as the premium version, and I would especially expect to be able to hide these very annoying messages, starting with the free version but even more in the premium version. After all, we do not pay (way too much) to continue seeing «ads» for your plugin.
Leer todas las 106 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


«Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More» está traducido en 1 idioma. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.

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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios


  • Updated SDK to v2.5.10.


  • Updated SDK to privacy-focused v2.5.5, bump WP compatibility to v6.2


  • Updated Freemius SDK, bump WP compatibility to v6.1


  • Updated Freemius SDK with improvements and security fixes, bump WP compatibility to v5.9.1.


  • Updated: Freemius SDK to v2.4.2, minor improvements and fixes
  • Updated: Bumped WordPress compatibility to v5.7
  • Added: Added affiliate program information and link, refer paid customers and earn commissions


  • Updated: Update Freemius SDK to latest version, updated WordPress compatibility to v5.6
  • Improved: Top banner and upgrade responsive layout


  • Fixed: Premium version fix for Enclosure tag to remove width and height attributes that resulted in invalid feeds. Feeds now validate at https://validator.w3.org/feed/


  • Fixed: Premium version fix for «Use Only Media Tag Image» option bug removed all body images, now only skips adding featured image to body/rss desc as intended.


  • Fixed: Fatal error on some sites due to incorrect version of file uploaded to repo, apologies!


  • Updated: Update Freemius SDK to latest version, updated WordPress compatibility to v5.3


  • Updated: Update Freemius SDK to latest version, updated WordPress compatibility to v5.1


  • Added: Add option to make the prepended image clickable, props to @crzyhrse for the suggestion.
  • Updated: Revised our support link, free and premium support now provided via https://support.5starplugins.com/


  • Fixed: (Premium update only) Various feed XML validation improvements and fixes.
  • Updated: Freemius SDK updated to the latest version


  • Fixed: (Premium update only) Various feed XML validation improvements and fixes.


  • Fixed: Various feed XML validation improvements and fixes.
  • Fixed: To fix a duplicate image issue when adding images as a Media/Enclosure tag, a new option to remove the regular prepended image from the main feed.
  • Added: Media and Enclosure tags (Premium options) now resize to image size chosen, instead of always being full sized.
  • Updated: Freemius SDK updated to the latest version


  • Solución: Añadir tamaño completo a la etiqueta de medios desde la primera imagen adjunta del post. Gracias a @babouz44.


  • Añadido: Añadido soporte de Yahoo Media al espacio de nombres RSS para servicios que pueden requerir que funcione con los medios: etiqueta de contenido
  • Added: support for Feedly’s webfeedsFeaturedVisual class name on image HTML


  • Fix: Automatic deactivation of free plugin when premium plugin activated fixed, and free trial text link adjusted.


  • Fix: Small issue with activating Trial version and Premium options being displayed, now fixed.


  • Fix: Corrected max-width: 100% output for image widths, failed to escape % signs, now fixed.


  • New: Added support for Feedly’s <webfeeds:cover image=> tag to the Media tag option.
  • New: Enclosure Tag Option: Output images in <enclosure> tag
  • Fix: Added MIME type output on the media tag
  • Corrección: Corregida la licencia de prueba con errores fatales de plugin gratuito y enlaces de actualización de prueba
  • Corrección: Corrección de slug de traducción para soporte translate.wordpress.org
  • Fix: Updated Freemius SDK to latest version


  • Fix: Oops – the new opt-in and admin notices were displaying in the wrong place, apologies, this is now fixed.


  • New: Added option for custom image padding.
  • Update: Refactored the code from top to bottom, now performs much better.
  • Update: Translation ready, we’re accepting translated pot files.
  • New: Now using Freemius for opt-in user usage data and better support, feature requests.
  • New: Premium Version now available with media and image tag support, custom images sizes, exclude categories, pre and post feed content, and more. Free trial available, and instant upgrades on checkout.