Geo2 Maps Add-on for NextGEN Gallery


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NGG Geo2 Maps Add-on is a flexible extension plugin for free or Pro NextGEN Gallery (tested up to version 3.59.7), displaying maps with your photos, galleries or albums located using EXIF GPS data or geocoding.

The goal of this plugin is to add to WordPress similar geolocation functionality as other web-based self-hosted photo manager apps have like Gallery 3, Piwigo, PhotoPrism or LibrePhotos.

The plugin is using Microsoft Azure Maps and requires free Azure Maps API Key to function.


  • Maps with geo-located photos – Create maps with your photos, using their GPS data.
  • Support for different representation of photos on a map: 7 Azure maps Pushpins, Thumbnails (round, rectangular)
  • Preview photos by clicking on a Pushpins/Thumbnails in an Infobox or one of 3 Lightboxes (Fancybox, Slimbox 2 or Fancybox 3)
  • Customise Lightboxes: colours and controls
  • Fancybox 3 Bottom Caption Panel with additional image EXIF and GPS info
  • Route mode with GPX, GML, KMZ, KML, GeoRSS, GeoJSON, spatial CSV support: displays your travel route together with photos or any other data
  • Worldmap mode: shows all or specific photos, galleries and albums on an overview map, open or preview galleries (via Ajax)
  • Include your maps by using Shortcodes
  • Include maps automatically in every post with a NextGEN gallery
  • Open maps on requests (via Ajax)
  • Create maps with specific photos only
  • Create multiple maps on one page
  • Enlarge maps to full screen
  • Mini Map module
  • Different visual styles for maps
  • Itemized options panel: configure many available options
  • Language support: users can create translations (English, Polish included)
  • Geolocation of galleries and albums in the Worldmap mode using Title


  • Round pins with hover effect. Satellite map style and mini map.

  • The Infobox showing detailed information about a picture. Hybrid map style.

  • Rectangular thumbnails with border in portrait or landscape orientation. Terra map style.

  • World Map with square Thumbnails. No map Dashboard.

  • Worldmap with different pins for albums and galleries. No map Dashboard.

  • Closed map in Ajax Mode shows enable bar.

  • Opened map in Ajax Mode with round thumbnails. Satellite map style. Increased pitch.

  • Route Mode displaying .kmz path. Road map style.

  • Photo preview with Fancybox 3 Lightbox.

  • Photo preview with Slimbox 2 Lightbox.

  • Photo preview with Fancybox Lightbox.


  1. Install NextGEN Gallery – This plugin can only work with it. Create some galleries.
  2. Install Geo2 Maps from plugins repository or download and extract the zip file into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Optional. If upgrading from version 2.0.X or lower check «Restore default settings» of the Geo2 Maps plugin at the bottom of the General tab and deactivate and activate this plugin.
  4. Acquire the Azure Maps API Key from Microsoft Azure page at (You can find a links on the General tab inside this plugin.)
  5. In the Azure account add your domain to CORS allowed origins.
  6. Go to the admin panel ( NextGEN Gallery -> Geo2 Maps ) and paste the Key to the corresponding field on the Geocoding tab.
  7. Configure any options as you require.


  1. Acquire free Mapquest API Key at and input to the corresponding field on the Geocoding tab.
  2. Input a valid email to use Nominatim on the same tab. Please read their Usage Policy at
  3. Create a Shortcode and place it anywhere on your site.


How can I acquire the API Key?

Go to: and click «Get started with Azure» and then «Try Azure for free». You will need a Microsoft account. Log in to it. Follow the instructions to create a new Azure Maps account and Get the subscription key for your account in here: Copy and past the key to the corresponding field on the General tab.

Important: Add your website domain to the CORS Allowed Origins field i.e.

This service is free up to a certain limit.Azure Maps offers a number of free transactions each month as shown in Azure Maps pricing ( For example, you get 5,000 free Base Map Tile transactions per month. Each transaction can include up to 15 tiles for a total of 75,000 tiles rendered for free each month.

How can I use Geo2 Maps?

There are three ways of using Geo2 Maps Add-on:

1. Generate maps automatically

The plugin searches for galleries in your posts and includes a map if there is geodata available. Easy to use, you don’t need to change anything on your theme.

2. Include maps using the shortcode [geo2]

Simply use the shortcode [geo2] anywhere in your posts. You can define plenty of options.

3. Use the php-function (for theme development)

If you want to embed the plugin in your theme, you can use the following php-functions:
– specify which galleries using $options[‘id’]
– specify which pictures using $options[‘pid’]
– specify galleries or/and albums using $options[‘include’] = «galleries», «albums» or «all»

If you don’t define any gallery ids, the plugin will search for the gallery ID in the post.
If you don’t define any picture ids or tag names, the plugin will show an empty map.
For Worldmap if you don’t define any gallery or album ids, the plugin will show all galleries and albums.
$options must be defined as an array, containing the same data as the shortcodes.
The parameters are optional. By delivering the IDs of the objects or tag names, this function can be used outside of The Loop.

$options = array( $options[‘map_width’] = ‘auto’, $options[‘map_height’] = ‘500px’ );

Shortcode? Which Shortcodes?

There is only one Shortcode: [geo2] followed by options.

All available Shortcode options are described in the Geo2 Maps options panel. ( NextGEN Gallery -> Geo2 Maps )

[geo2 id=18 map=road map_height=100px map_width=200px exif=1 minimap=1]
[geo2 worldmap=1 include=all map=road map_height=500px map_width=auto]
[geo2 pid=2,4,15 xmlurl=http://path_to_your_file_with_route.gpx]

Can I use this plugin, even if there is no GPS data stored in the EXIF of my photos?

Yes, to some extent. The plugin will try to place a gallery or an album on a map using geocoding even if no photos have GPS data. You can use different providers for geocoding, sometimes they generate differing results. Try to define a clear and unique Title corresponding to a location name.
Unfortunately, the plugin will not show photos on a map if they have no GPS coordinates! But don’t worry. You can add them by using free «Geosetter» for example.

What is the Ajax Mode?

If you don’t want maps to get loaded every time, you can use the Ajax mode. If activated, the plugin will display a button. Clicking on it will load this map using an Ajax request.

What is the Worldmap Mode?

The Worldmap mode gives you the possibility to show an overview of all or specific galleries and albums of your blog. If the preview picture has GPS coordinates gallery will be placed using it. Otherwise, the position will be geolocated using the title. You can include the Worldmap in your post by using the shortcode [geo2 worldmap=1].

What is the Route Mode?

You can use the Route mode, to display your travel route. Therefore, photos taken during this trip can be connected by it. The Route mode can be activated for all galleries using the options panel. Alternatively, you can activate the route mode for single maps using the shortcode.
If you have recorded your route to a file, you can upload it to the gallery folder. Place a path to it in a map Shortcode.

Example: [geo2 xmlurl=http://path_to_your_file_with_route.gpx]

Accepted are common geospatial XML file formats such as KML (Keyhole Markup Language), KMZ (compressed KML), GeoRSS, GeoJSON, GML (Geography Markup Language, exposed via GeoRSS), GPX (GPS Exchange Format) and Spatial CSV.

You can show any information contained in these files on a map.

Why I can’t upload my route file to WordPress Media Library?

For security reasons, WordPress is allowing to upload files only of a specific type. You can unlock uploading a specific file type by telling WordPress which MIME Type it should consider as safe. Some additional plugins can do this easily. I’m using Enhanced Media Library.

These are the MIME Types you may want to register:
gpx => ‘application/gpx+xml’
xml => ‘application/xml’
kml => ‘application/’
kmz => ‘application/’

How can I define the map style?

Some options like map-width and map-height can be changed in the options panel. The maps are using the div-class .geo2_maps_map, so you can use CSS, too.

Can I reset all parameters to default values without uninstalling the plugin?

You. There is an option to do so at the bottom of the «General» tab. You will still need to deactivate and reactivate it after selecting this option.


9 de julio de 2022 1 respuesta
Loved this plugin at first. All the way up until I tried to insure the ecommerce was still working. As soon as I would try to view cart, it would take me back to my prints for sale page. I deactivated the plugin and instantly I could view the cart and check out. Using Wordpress 6, Nextgen Pro 3.13.0, and Imagely themes 2.0. I hope they get it fixed. It was nice for others to see exactly where the photos they are buying were taken.
21 de agosto de 2021
I have been using NextGen Gallery on my website for years. Including maps with routes and geo-tagged images. Was a happy user of WP GPX Maps, but that it no longer maintained it seems. Although this plugin was gathering dust for some time, it’s now being dusted off and for me can now replace WP GPX Maps on my website, so I can finally switch to PHP8! Would be cool if Google Maps is added in the future (with own API key ofcourse).
19 de julio de 2021 2 respuestas
After the last update, everything works, thank you. Niestety teraz bez pracy jestem finansowo pod kreską, kiedy to się zmieni obiecuję przesłać wsparcie. Dziękuje za Twoją pracę.
Leer todas las 13 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Geo2 Maps Add-on for NextGEN Gallery» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


Registro de cambios

V2.1.1 – 02.01.2025

  • Bugfix: Paths show infoboxes again

V2.1.0 – 30.12.2024

  • NEW: Maps engine migrated to Azure Maps API (new key required)
  • NEW: Azure Maps Fullscreen option added
  • NEW: Azure Maps 7 Pushpin Icon Types, Hover Scale, Primary and Secondary Color options added
  • NEW: Security increased: API Key acquired using Ajax request
  • New: Fancybox fullscreen, image change swipe and orientation resizing added
  • New: Slimbox 2 fullscreen, image change on scroll, swipe and orientation resizing added
  • New: Fancybox and Slimbox 2 close for browser back in history
  • New: Additional Route file formats supported: GeoJSON and Spatial CSV
  • New: Route files support included icon images

  • Update: Minimap module replaced with Azure Maps Overview Map

  • Update: Maps Styles updated
  • Update: Routes parameters updated
  • Update: Fancybox scrolling using jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.js not compatible with many themes replaced
  • Update: Fancybox 3 shows gallery title and ID in hash
  • Update: Fancybox and Slimbox 2 do not move map any more on key left or right
  • Update: Unsupported Bird’s-eye view, copyright and showTermsLink removed

  • Bugfix: Fancybox 3 option: Prevent bottom caption to overlap the content is now working

V2.0.9 – 24.06.2024

  • Update: JIG description corrected in options

  • Bugfix: Thumbnails full filename acquired from pictures meta_data in database prevents incompatibility with older file naming

V2.0.8 – 19.11.2023

  • NEW: Pictures in galleries are now sorted in the same way as in the NextGEN Gallery

  • Update: Recommended error handling added for Exif read data

  • Bugfix: Excluding images in galleries works again

V2.0.7 – 17.11.2023

  • Update: AutoMap function now shows galleries on a map if no albums are found
  • Update: Security improved
  • Update: Code fully aligned with WordPress coding standards

  • Bugfix: All PHP warnings resolved

  • Bugfix: All reasonable WordPress standards check warnings resolved
  • Bugfix: Several bugs found and resolved
  • Bugfix: Infoboxes should not change location
  • Bugfix: Worldmap pushpins or thumbs will not open a missing page

V2.0.6 – 17.10.2022

  • Bugfix: Many PHP warnings resolved
  • Bugfix: array_key_exists() error resolution implemented

V2.0.5 – 04.05.2022

  • Update: How to create Gallery Map with a Shortcode added to the General tab
  • Update: Map options description amended
  • Update: Added compatibility with PHP 8.0

  • Bugfix: Map created with a Shortcode with route path only searching unnecessarily for any galleries in a page content corrected

  • Bugfix: CSS corrected

V2.0.4 – 21.08.2021

  • Update: New map options have been added to hide parts of map interface

  • Bugfix: Shortcode parameters containing capital letters not working

  • Bugfix: Loaded route files with shapes with balloon description not showing Infobox correctly

V2.0.3 – 15.05.2021

  • Update: Slimbox 2 code slightly improved, version updated to 2.06

  • Bugfix: Plugin slug amended to match WordPress old plugin slug

  • Bugfix: Slimbox image counter now shows numbers correctly

  • Security fix : unserialize() function removed creating PHP object injection vulnerability

V2.0.2 – 04.05.2021

  • Bugfix: Reference to CSS file corrected
  • Bugfix: Reference to removed examples.php removed

V2.0.1 – 03.05.2021

  • NEW: Bing Maps API key and MapQuest API key authentication process added with notification messages
  • NEW: Activation status added for Bing Maps and MapQuest services
  • NEW: Upload media button added for the route file

  • Changed: Bing Maps API key field moved to the «General» tab, description amended

  • Update: Wp-color-picker-alpha Javascript updated to version 3.0.0

  • Bugfix: Remains of the old code removed causing plugin to crash for some users

  • Bugfix: Deactivation warning enabled

  • Security fix : all user entered data is now validated

V2.0.0 – 02.03.2021 by Pawel Block

  • NEW: Slimbox 2.04 (with a resize image box option) and Fancybox 3 Lightbox plugins to preview images
  • NEW: Fancybox 3 Bottom Caption Panel with EXIF information
  • NEW: Thumbnails customize options
  • NEW: Additional Auto Mode and Worldmap options
  • NEW: Customise options for Lightboxes and Infobox
  • NEW: Added support for GPX, XML, KMZ, KML, GeoRSS files
  • NEW: Customise options for shape from GPX, XML, KMZ, KML or GeoRSS files
  • NEW: Better plugin security
  • NEW: Many new options to create and customize maps
  • NEW: Create maps with specific photos
  • NEW: Full screen button for maps

  • Changed: Redesigned admin options panel

  • Changed: Code updated to support Bing Maps API V8
  • Changed: Thumbnails generated using HTML5 canvas
  • Changed: Geocoding updated, Google geocoding removed to not violate Google API policy
  • Changed: Mini Map module updated
  • Changed: Preview Map removed on WordPress request

V1.0 – 05.09.2012 by Frederic Stuhldreier

  • NEW: Shortcode system with several new options (map-size, map-style, thumbnails, single pictures, Ajax, etc.)
  • NEW: Thumbnails styled using CSS 3 or phpThumb() class
  • NEW: Activate and deactivate the maps dashboard, minimap and scalebar using the admin panel or shortcodes
  • NEW: Change style of marked routes using the admin panel
  • NEW: .GPX support for route-mode
  • NEW: Include your maps using AJAX
  • NEW: Set a map id for individual styling
  • NEW: Lightbox integrated (Fancybox, Slimbox 2)
  • NEW: Lightbox AJAX request for other photos (Worldmap mode)

  • Changed: Admin panel sub-menu now located in NextGen Gallery menu

  • Changed: Significantly reduced number of SQL queries
  • Changed: >1 map / post now possible
  • Changed: Use stored EXIF data, if available

  • Bugfix: Example map don’t work

  • Bugfix: Save options bug

V0.6 – 13.05.2012

  • NEW: Use [geo2] shortcode everywhere by choosing the gallery-ID: [geo2 id=Gallery-ID]
  • NEW: Worldmap-shortcode: [geo2 worldmap]
  • NEW: Preview Map
  • NEW: Choose between pushpins or thumbnails
  • Changed: Worldmap works faster, coordinates bug fixed
  • Changed: Easy gallery linking (Worldmap)
  • Bugfix: Broken maps, wrong data on some servers

V0.5 – 21.04.2012

  • NEW: Show advanced EXIF data
  • NEW: Album support
  • Bugfix: Exif_read_data used URL instead of a path (don’t work on a few servers)
  • Bugfix: Wrong coordinates, fixed and improved
  • Changed: Shortcode [geo2] works faster
  • Changed: Include via function improved
  • bugfix : Don’t show shortcode [geo2]

V0.4 – 13.03.2012

  • NEW: I18n
  • NEW: Added languages: german, english
  • NEW: Disable geocoding (options panel)
  • Changed: Auto-mode-> usage of filter ngg_gallery_output (much faster, no sql needed any more)
  • Changed: New options panel
  • Bugfix: Route-mode enabled
  • Bugfix: Geocoding error (Nominatim)

V0.35 – 05.03.2012

  • Bugfix: Fixed some bugs (route-mode)