Etiqueta del plugin: archive page
Eliminar página de archivo inteligente
(59 valoraciones en total)Eliminar completamente las páginas de archivo de tu blog
Archive Control
(11 valoraciones en total)Quickly customize your custom post type and taxonomy archives with a custom headline, image, and editable content. Modify order and pagination.
Archivo de
(3 valoraciones en total)Make archive page easily with full customize and in all languages of the world.
Categories Recent Posts Widget
(1 valoraciones en total)This widget displays the recent posts on a category page for that category
Recent Archive More Widget
(1 valoraciones en total)'Recent Archive More Widget' displays posts, not listed on page content area on the widget area of the sidebar of category archive page.
Binge Reading Archive Page Template
(0 valoraciones en total)A plugin to create an "all posts since this site started by month" page. Built for sites using the Genesis Framework.