Etiqueta del plugin: members-only
Members – Membership & User Role Editor Plugin
(1.124 valoraciones en total)El mejor plugin de membresía y editor de perfiles de usuario para WordPress. El editor de perfiles y capacidades te ayuda a restringir contenido con unos pocos clics.
Content Control – The Ultimate Content Restriction Plugin! Restrict Content, Create Conditional Blocks & More
(538 valoraciones en total)Restrict content based on login status, user roles, device type & more. Monetize your content with a paywall or members-only content.
Simple Membership
(423 valoraciones en total)Simple membership plugin añade la funcionalidad de membresía a su sitio. Fácilmente protege el contenido con protección de contenido solamente a los miembros.
s2Member – Excellent for All Kinds of Memberships, Content Restriction Paywalls & Member Access Subscriptions
(225 valoraciones en total)❤️ Excellent membership plugin! Easy, quick, flexible. Monetize your site with memberships and subscriptions. Protect content instantly and securely.
Secret Content
(1 valoraciones en total)Easily mark any post or a page as "for logged in members only", hiding it from public view! (not for custom post types).
BuddyForms Custom Login
(2 valoraciones en total)Acceso personalizado, redirección de acceso personalizado, enlace de registro personalizado, formularios de registro
Simple Membership Menu
(5 valoraciones en total)Simple membership Menu, permits to configure visibility on menu items, following Simple Membership available roles.
More Privacy Options
(14 valoraciones en total)Adds three more levels of privacy(visibility) to the Settings–>Reading page.
Membership Lock
(0 valoraciones en total)Membership Lock down lets you easily lock all post content including attached images, video, docs, and everything else.
Members-Only Shop for Patreon + WooCommerce
(1 valoraciones en total)Offer exclusive products in a WooCommerce Shop to your Patreon patrons.
Members Only Posts
(1 valoraciones en total)Create posts that will only be displayed (and included in blog and search listings) for logged in members. Just add the special category Members Only …
Membership with iMIS and memberCMS
(2 valoraciones en total)Membership Plugin connects with ASI's iMIS15 & nonprofitCMS's memberCMS. Supports single sign on & page restriction by member role
Prices Only Members for Woocommerce
(0 valoraciones en total)Prices Only Members for Woocommerce allows you to display the prices only to registered users.
Visitor Content Wall
(0 valoraciones en total)Allow only members of your site to view certain posts/pages on your site. If a user is not logged in they will be shown a modal with a content restri …