Etiqueta del plugin: recovery
WP Safe Mode
(8 valoraciones en total)Disable plugins or switch themes for just you or the whole site for debugging, troubleshooting or accessing and restoring a broken website.
Database Access with Adminer
(2 valoraciones en total)Provides a secure interface to your WordPress database using Adminer, the popular database administration tool.
Media Library Recovery – Restore Lost Image Files
(31 valoraciones en total)A tool to restore and recover images from your wp-content/uploads folder after database resets or failures, ensuring your media library is rebuilt qui …
Safe Mode
(5 valoraciones en total)Makes it possible to enable safe mode for WordPress. In safe mode, plugins will not be loaded and the default theme (if installed) will be activated.
NACC WordPress Plugin
(1 valoraciones en total)This is a WordPress plugin implementation of the N.A. Cleantime Calculator.
BMLT WordPress Plugin
(2 valoraciones en total)This is a "satellite" plugin for the Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT).
WP Down Slack Alert
(1 valoraciones en total)Connect WordPress Recovery Mode to a your Slack team to receive alerts when websites are down.
BMLT Meeting Map
(1 valoraciones en total)The BMLT Meeting Map provides a map so people can find NA meetings stored in a the Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT) Server.
(0 valoraciones en total)Simple Captcha antispam and antibot with led number style to Login, Register and Recovery
Hagakure – Yet Another Error Reporter
(2 valoraciones en total)A WordPress plugin to clarify meaningless errors like "Allowed memory size of xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted".
Comment Recovery
(0 valoraciones en total)Recovers lost comments by copy/pasteing your new comment notification emails
Magical Login
(0 valoraciones en total)The magical login plugin helps users to easily add login forms wherever they want with all necessary contents (login errors, lost and recovery passwor …