Themes follow the basic WordPress themes header scheme with the following additions:
Template: pagelines
Tells wordpress this is a childtheme and where the parent files are stored.
Demo: http://a.link.com
Use this to point to a demo for this product.
External: http://a.link.com
Use this to point to an external site, authors home page for example.
* File Naming Conventions
* ————————————-
* style.css – Main theme style file.
* thumb.png – Thumbnail image used in the store and on pagelines.com for your product.
* screenshot.png – Primary screenshot, logo or graphic for your extension item (300px by 225px).
* screenshot-1.png – Additional screenshots -1 -2 -3 etc (optional).
* page.example.php – Custom page template, check the file for syntax. This is autoloaded.
* sections/ – Bundle sections with your theme in this folder, each section in a seperate folder.
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