• Hola! Trabajo con http://www.dispabe.es con el tema PageLines, aun que tiene un ChildTheme.

    El menú que aparece arriba tiene una fuente muy pequeña que apenas destaca.

    Se que tengo que modificar el style.css pero no se como hacerlo, no se que debo escribir. SOLO ME SALE ESTO EN EL STYLE.CSS DE MI CHILDTHEME

    Theme Name: Dispabe
    Theme URI: http://www.dispabe.es/
    Version: 13.05
    Author: FlacSystems
    Author URI: http://www.flacsystems.com
    Tags: developer

    Template: pagelines


    Themes follow the basic WordPress themes header scheme with the following additions:

    Template: pagelines
    Tells wordpress this is a childtheme and where the parent files are stored.

    Demo: http://a.link.com
    Use this to point to a demo for this product.

    External: http://a.link.com
    Use this to point to an external site, authors home page for example.

    * File Naming Conventions
    * ————————————-
    * style.css – Main theme style file.
    * thumb.png – Thumbnail image used in the store and on pagelines.com for your product.
    * screenshot.png – Primary screenshot, logo or graphic for your extension item (300px by 225px).
    * screenshot-1.png – Additional screenshots -1 -2 -3 etc (optional).
    * page.example.php – Custom page template, check the file for syntax. This is autoloaded.
    * sections/ – Bundle sections with your theme in this folder, each section in a seperate folder.

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