• Resuelto Arturo emilio


    From today my blog is showing error cURL 77 in the backend, it does not update any plugin.

    * I have renewed the SSL certs in my server.

    * tested the download from the console: curl https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/plugin.zip –output test.zip
    It does download the file with no issues.

    * I have checked the SSL certificate, it does not cause any certificate error.

    It doesn’t seems to be an SSL certificate error from my part. Is there any known issues with WordPress.org?
    Is there any other way i could test the connection?

    La página con la que necesito ayuda: [accede para ver el enlace]

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  • Iniciador del debate Arturo emilio


    Running Curl in a php script does not cause any error and download the file. Which make it seems like it’s an explicit WordPress issue.

    Is anybody else having issues when updating the plugins? How can i track from within wordpress the cause of the error?

    Wordpress Version 5.4.2

    • Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 4 años, 2 meses por Arturo emilio.
    Moderador almendron


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