The pseudo-class ::selection or ::-moz-selection is doesn´t work.
Hi peopple!! Im really tired of this page xD. Because i don´t know who made it but it has issues everywhere. Today´s problem is that i can´t make it work pseudoclass in it. It´s using sinatra theme, and i don´t know where to put my fingers to fix this.
I have another page, that works with the same theme, but the selection works normally (black background, white p. You can check this here in this test page: Same theme, same configuration, i compare them side to side, almost copy every configuration to make sure is not me, and it doesn´t work.
When i see the page on: Responsivly app, firefox and safari it has different selection colors. Background is white or grey, and de color is white. In firefox is white everything when i select some p or every h.
I tried to use pseudo-classes but they dont work either. ¿Can somebody help me with this?La página con la que necesito ayuda: [accede para ver el enlace]
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