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  • Foro: Plugins y Hacks
    En respuesta a: Wp-Property
    Iniciador del debate edaAdmin


    Buenas Maria,

    Por desgracia no he encontrado la manera de hacerlo. Lo que he hecho es recurrir a la descarga de un Tema WordPress que esté diseñado para webs de inmobiliarias (Real Homes – WordPress Real Estate Theme).

    Aunque aún no lo he puesto en marcha para comprobar que dispone de esa opción, pienso que tiene mas posibilidades que el plugin de Wp-Property.

    De todos modos, la semana que viene lo pondré a prueba y te lo confirmo. Lo que te aseguro es que con Wp-Property no he encontrado la forma de hacerlo.

    La semana que viene te notifico si he tenido éxito.

    Un saludo, gracias!

    Iniciador del debate edaAdmin


    Ok, continuaré investigando pues. No estaba seguro si había alguna forma de hacerlo de esa manera.

    Muchas gracias por la aportación Mariano.

    Iniciador del debate edaAdmin


    Buenas Mariano, gracias por la ayuda. Trabajaré con esos plugins a ver que tal.
    Si lo consigo, aviso y cierro el tema. Por el momento he estado probando, y parece que cumple su objetivo. Aunque no encuentro la manera de insertar el formulario de registro.

    Seguiré haciendo pruebas. Si hay alguna otra idea, comentarmela porfavor.

    Muchas gracias de nuevo.

    Iniciador del debate edaAdmin


    ¡Todo arreglado!

    Muchísimas gracias por las soluciones, me habéis sido de gran ayuda.

    Menos mal que existe este foro, si no ya me podía quedar estancado intentando arreglar esta historia durante semanas… se agradece vuestra rapidez, ¡el tiempo es oro! jeje

    ¡Muchas gracias de verdad, un saludo!

    Iniciador del debate edaAdmin


    ¡Ya lo he solucionado! Justo es eso, dentro de WordPress entrar en Ajustes > Generales y cambiar Titulo y descripción corta.

    Pero estaba completamente confundido porque Google no efectúa los cambios de inmediato.

    Voy a tener que reflexionar seriamente sobre el don de la paciencia. Jejeje

    Muchisimas gracias Luis por la ayuda.

    Tengo una ultima duda, aunque por lo que he podido leer en otros sitios eso es algo que no se puede controlar. ¿El fragmento de texto (el contenido de la web) que hay bajo el titulo y el link que aparecen en el buscador de Google se puede cambiar?
    ¿O eso lo pone Google aleatoriamente?

    Iniciador del debate edaAdmin


    En el archivo options-general.php hay esto:

    * General settings administration panel.
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Administration

    /** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
    require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/admin.php’ );

    /** WordPress Translation Install API */
    require_once( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/translation-install.php’ );

    if ( ! current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) )
    wp_die( __( ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to manage options for this site.’ ) );

    $title = __(‘General Settings’);
    $parent_file = ‘options-general.php’;
    /* translators: date and time format for exact current time, mainly about timezones, see */
    $timezone_format = _x(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, ‘timezone date format’);

    * Display JavaScript on the page.
    * @since 3.5.0
    function options_general_add_js() {
    <script type=»text/javascript»>
    var $siteName = $( ‘#wp-admin-bar-site-name’ ).children( ‘a’ ).first(),
    homeURL = ( <?php echo wp_json_encode( get_home_url() ); ?> || » ).replace( /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?/, » );

    $( ‘#blogname’ ).on( ‘input’, function() {
    var title = $.trim( $( this ).val() ) || homeURL;

    // Truncate to 40 characters.
    if ( 40 < title.length ) {
    title = title.substring( 0, 40 ) + ‘\u2026’;

    $siteName.text( title );

    if ( «date_format_custom_radio» != $(this).attr(«id») )
    $( «input[name=’date_format_custom’]» ).val( $( this ).val() ).siblings( ‘.example’ ).text( $( this ).parent( ‘label’ ).text() );
    $( ‘#date_format_custom_radio’ ).prop( ‘checked’, true );

    if ( «time_format_custom_radio» != $(this).attr(«id») )
    $( «input[name=’time_format_custom’]» ).val( $( this ).val() ).siblings( ‘.example’ ).text( $( this ).parent( ‘label’ ).text() );
    $( ‘#time_format_custom_radio’ ).prop( ‘checked’, true );
    $(«input[name=’date_format_custom’], input[name=’time_format_custom’]»).change( function() {
    var format = $(this);
    format.siblings( ‘.spinner’ ).addClass( ‘is-active’ );
    $.post(ajaxurl, {
    action: ‘date_format_custom’ == format.attr(‘name’) ? ‘date_format’ : ‘time_format’,
    date : format.val()
    }, function(d) { format.siblings( ‘.spinner’ ).removeClass( ‘is-active’ ); format.siblings(‘.example’).text(d); } );

    var languageSelect = $( ‘#WPLANG’ );
    $( ‘form’ ).submit( function() {
    // Don’t show a spinner for English and installed languages,
    // as there is nothing to download.
    if ( ! languageSelect.find( ‘option:selected’ ).data( ‘installed’ ) ) {
    $( ‘#submit’, this ).after( ‘<span class=»spinner language-install-spinner» />’ );
    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘options_general_add_js’);

    $options_help = ‘<p>’ . __(‘The fields on this screen determine some of the basics of your site setup.’) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __(‘Most themes display the site title at the top of every page, in the title bar of the browser, and as the identifying name for syndicated feeds. The tagline is also displayed by many themes.’) . ‘</p>’;

    if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
    $options_help .= ‘<p>’ . __(‘The WordPress URL and the Site URL can be the same ( or different; for example, having the WordPress core files ( in a subdirectory instead of the root directory.’) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __(‘If you want site visitors to be able to register themselves, as opposed to by the site administrator, check the membership box. A default user role can be set for all new users, whether self-registered or registered by the site admin.’) . ‘</p>’;

    $options_help .= ‘<p>’ . __( ‘You can set the language, and the translation files will be automatically downloaded and installed (available if your filesystem is writable).’ ) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __( ‘UTC means Coordinated Universal Time.’ ) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __( ‘You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new settings to take effect.’ ) . ‘</p>’;

    get_current_screen()->add_help_tab( array(
    ‘id’ => ‘overview’,
    ‘title’ => __(‘Overview’),
    ‘content’ => $options_help,
    ) );

    ‘<p>‘ . __(‘For more information:’) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __(‘Documentation on General Settings‘) . ‘</p>’ .
    ‘<p>’ . __(‘Support Forums‘) . ‘</p>’

    include( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/admin-header.php’ );

    <div class=»wrap»>
    <h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>

    <form method=»post» action=»options.php» novalidate=»novalidate»>
    <?php settings_fields(‘general’); ?>

    <table class=»form-table»>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»blogname»><?php _e(‘Site Title’) ?></label></th>
    <td><input name=»blogname» type=»text» id=»blogname» value=»<?php form_option(‘blogname’); ?>» class=»regular-text» /></td>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»blogdescription»><?php _e(‘Tagline’) ?></label></th>
    <td><input name=»blogdescription» type=»text» id=»blogdescription» aria-describedby=»tagline-description» value=»<?php form_option(‘blogdescription’); ?>» class=»regular-text» />
    <p class=»description» id=»tagline-description»><?php _e( ‘In a few words, explain what this site is about.’ ) ?></p></td>
    <?php if ( !is_multisite() ) { ?>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»siteurl»><?php _e(‘WordPress Address (URL)’) ?></label></th>
    <td><input name=»siteurl» type=»url» id=»siteurl» value=»<?php form_option( ‘siteurl’ ); ?>»<?php disabled( defined( ‘WP_SITEURL’ ) ); ?> class=»regular-text code<?php if ( defined( ‘WP_SITEURL’ ) ) echo ‘ disabled’ ?>» /></td>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»home»><?php _e(‘Site Address (URL)’) ?></label></th>
    <td><input name=»home» type=»url» id=»home» aria-describedby=»home-description» value=»<?php form_option( ‘home’ ); ?>»<?php disabled( defined( ‘WP_HOME’ ) ); ?> class=»regular-text code<?php if ( defined( ‘WP_HOME’ ) ) echo ‘ disabled’ ?>» />
    <p class=»description» id=»home-description»><?php _e( ‘Enter the address here if you want your site home page to be different from your WordPress installation directory.‘ ); ?></p></td>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»admin_email»><?php _e(‘E-mail Address’) ?> </label></th>
    <td><input name=»admin_email» type=»email» id=»admin_email» aria-describedby=»admin-email-description» value=»<?php form_option( ‘admin_email’ ); ?>» class=»regular-text ltr» />
    <p class=»description» id=»admin-email-description»><?php _e( ‘This address is used for admin purposes, like new user notification.’ ) ?></p></td>
    <th scope=»row»><?php _e(‘Membership’) ?></th>
    <td> <fieldset><legend class=»screen-reader-text»><span><?php _e(‘Membership’) ?></span></legend><label for=»users_can_register»>
    <input name=»users_can_register» type=»checkbox» id=»users_can_register» value=»1″ <?php checked(‘1’, get_option(‘users_can_register’)); ?> />
    <?php _e(‘Anyone can register’) ?></label>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»default_role»><?php _e(‘New User Default Role’) ?></label></th>
    <select name=»default_role» id=»default_role»><?php wp_dropdown_roles( get_option(‘default_role’) ); ?></select>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»new_admin_email»><?php _e(‘E-mail Address’) ?> </label></th>
    <td><input name=»new_admin_email» type=»email» id=»new_admin_email» aria-describedby=»new-admin-email-description» value=»<?php form_option( ‘admin_email’ ); ?>» class=»regular-text ltr» />
    <p class=»description» id=»new-admin-email-description»><?php _e( ‘This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this we will send you an e-mail at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.‘ ) ?></p>
    $new_admin_email = get_option( ‘new_admin_email’ );
    if ( $new_admin_email && $new_admin_email != get_option(‘admin_email’) ) : ?>
    <div class=»updated inline»>
    <p><?php printf( __(‘There is a pending change of the admin e-mail to %1$s. Cancel‘), esc_html( $new_admin_email ), esc_url( admin_url( ‘options.php?dismiss=new_admin_email’ ) ) ); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php } ?>
    $current_offset = get_option(‘gmt_offset’);
    $tzstring = get_option(‘timezone_string’);

    $check_zone_info = true;

    // Remove old Etc mappings. Fallback to gmt_offset.
    if ( false !== strpos($tzstring,’Etc/GMT’) )
    $tzstring = »;

    if ( empty($tzstring) ) { // Create a UTC+- zone if no timezone string exists
    $check_zone_info = false;
    if ( 0 == $current_offset )
    $tzstring = ‘UTC+0’;
    elseif ($current_offset < 0)
    $tzstring = ‘UTC’ . $current_offset;
    $tzstring = ‘UTC+’ . $current_offset;

    <th scope=»row»><label for=»timezone_string»><?php _e(‘Timezone’) ?></label></th>

    <select id=»timezone_string» name=»timezone_string» aria-describedby=»timezone-description»>
    <?php echo wp_timezone_choice($tzstring); ?>

    <span id=»utc-time»><?php printf(__(‘<abbr title=»Coordinated Universal Time»>UTC</abbr> time is %s‘), date_i18n($timezone_format, false, ‘gmt’)); ?></span>
    <?php if ( get_option(‘timezone_string’) || !empty($current_offset) ) : ?>
    <span id=»local-time»><?php printf(__(‘Local time is %1$s‘), date_i18n($timezone_format)); ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <p class=»description» id=»timezone-description»><?php _e( ‘Choose a city in the same timezone as you.’ ); ?></p>
    <?php if ($check_zone_info && $tzstring) : ?>

    // Set TZ so localtime works.
    $now = localtime(time(), true);
    if ( $now[‘tm_isdst’] )
    _e(‘This timezone is currently in daylight saving time.’);
    _e(‘This timezone is currently in standard time.’);

    $allowed_zones = timezone_identifiers_list();

    if ( in_array( $tzstring, $allowed_zones) ) {
    $found = false;
    $date_time_zone_selected = new DateTimeZone($tzstring);
    $tz_offset = timezone_offset_get($date_time_zone_selected, date_create());
    $right_now = time();
    foreach ( timezone_transitions_get($date_time_zone_selected) as $tr) {
    if ( $tr[‘ts’] > $right_now ) {
    $found = true;

    if ( $found ) {
    echo ‘ ‘;
    $message = $tr[‘isdst’] ?
    __(‘Daylight saving time begins on: %s.’) :
    __(‘Standard time begins on: %s.’);
    // Add the difference between the current offset and the new offset to ts to get the correct transition time from date_i18n().
    printf( $message, date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . ‘ ‘ . get_option(‘time_format’), $tr[‘ts’] + ($tz_offset – $tr[‘offset’]) ) );
    } else {
    _e(‘This timezone does not observe daylight saving time.’);
    // Set back to UTC.
    <?php endif; ?>

    <th scope=»row»><?php _e(‘Date Format’) ?></th>
    <fieldset><legend class=»screen-reader-text»><span><?php _e(‘Date Format’) ?></span></legend>
    * Filter the default date formats.
    * @since 2.7.0
    * @since 4.0.0 Added ISO date standard YYYY-MM-DD format.
    * @param array $default_date_formats Array of default date formats.
    $date_formats = array_unique( apply_filters( ‘date_formats’, array( __( ‘F j, Y’ ), ‘Y-m-d’, ‘m/d/Y’, ‘d/m/Y’ ) ) );

    $custom = true;

    foreach ( $date_formats as $format ) {
    echo «\t<label title='» . esc_attr($format) . «‘><input type=’radio’ name=’date_format’ value='» . esc_attr($format) . «‘»;
    if ( get_option(‘date_format’) === $format ) { // checked() uses «==» rather than «===»
    echo » checked=’checked'»;
    $custom = false;
    echo ‘ /> ‘ . date_i18n( $format ) . «</label>

    echo ‘ <label><input type=»radio» name=»date_format» id=»date_format_custom_radio» value=»\c\u\s\t\o\m»‘;
    checked( $custom );
    echo ‘/> ‘ . __( ‘Custom:’ ) . ‘<span class=»screen-reader-text»> ‘ . __( ‘enter a custom date format in the following field’ ) . «</span></label>\n»;
    echo ‘<label for=»date_format_custom» class=»screen-reader-text»>’ . __( ‘Custom date format:’ ) . ‘</label><input type=»text» name=»date_format_custom» id=»date_format_custom» value=»‘ . esc_attr( get_option(‘date_format’) ) . ‘» class=»small-text» /> <span class=»screen-reader-text»>’ . __( ‘example:’ ) . ‘ </span><span class=»example»> ‘ . date_i18n( get_option(‘date_format’) ) . «</span> <span class=’spinner’></span>\n»;
    <th scope=»row»><?php _e(‘Time Format’) ?></th>
    <fieldset><legend class=»screen-reader-text»><span><?php _e(‘Time Format’) ?></span></legend>
    * Filter the default time formats.
    * @since 2.7.0
    * @param array $default_time_formats Array of default time formats.
    $time_formats = array_unique( apply_filters( ‘time_formats’, array( __( ‘g:i a’ ), ‘g:i A’, ‘H:i’ ) ) );

    $custom = true;

    foreach ( $time_formats as $format ) {
    echo «\t<label title='» . esc_attr($format) . «‘><input type=’radio’ name=’time_format’ value='» . esc_attr($format) . «‘»;
    if ( get_option(‘time_format’) === $format ) { // checked() uses «==» rather than «===»
    echo » checked=’checked'»;
    $custom = false;
    echo ‘ /> ‘ . date_i18n( $format ) . «</label>

    echo ‘ <label><input type=»radio» name=»time_format» id=»time_format_custom_radio» value=»\c\u\s\t\o\m»‘;
    checked( $custom );
    echo ‘/> ‘ . __( ‘Custom:’ ) . ‘<span class=»screen-reader-text»> ‘ . __( ‘enter a custom time format in the following field’ ) . «</span></label>\n»;
    echo ‘<label for=»time_format_custom» class=»screen-reader-text»>’ . __( ‘Custom time format:’ ) . ‘</label><input type=»text» name=»time_format_custom» id=»time_format_custom» value=»‘ . esc_attr( get_option(‘time_format’) ) . ‘» class=»small-text» /> <span class=»screen-reader-text»>’ . __( ‘example:’ ) . ‘ </span><span class=»example»> ‘ . date_i18n( get_option(‘time_format’) ) . «</span> <span class=’spinner’></span>\n»;

    echo «\t<p>» . __(‘Documentation on date and time formatting.’) . «</p>\n»;
    <th scope=»row»><label for=»start_of_week»><?php _e(‘Week Starts On’) ?></label></th>
    <td><select name=»start_of_week» id=»start_of_week»>
    * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale
    global $wp_locale;

    for ($day_index = 0; $day_index <= 6; $day_index++) :
    $selected = (get_option(‘start_of_week’) == $day_index) ? ‘selected=»selected»‘ : »;
    echo «\n\t<option value='» . esc_attr($day_index) . «‘ $selected>» . $wp_locale->get_weekday($day_index) . ‘</option>’;
    <?php do_settings_fields(‘general’, ‘default’); ?>

    $languages = get_available_languages();
    $translations = wp_get_available_translations();
    if ( ! is_multisite() && defined( ‘WPLANG’ ) && » !== WPLANG && ‘en_US’ !== WPLANG && ! in_array( WPLANG, $languages ) ) {
    $languages[] = WPLANG;
    if ( ! empty( $languages ) || ! empty( $translations ) ) {
    <th width=»33%» scope=»row»><label for=»WPLANG»><?php _e( ‘Site Language’ ); ?></label></th>
    $locale = get_locale();
    if ( ! in_array( $locale, $languages ) ) {
    $locale = »;

    wp_dropdown_languages( array(
    ‘name’ => ‘WPLANG’,
    ‘id’ => ‘WPLANG’,
    ‘selected’ => $locale,
    ‘languages’ => $languages,
    ‘translations’ => $translations,
    ‘show_available_translations’ => ( ! is_multisite() || is_super_admin() ) && wp_can_install_language_pack(),
    ) );

    // Add note about deprecated WPLANG constant.
    if ( defined( ‘WPLANG’ ) && ( » !== WPLANG ) && $locale !== WPLANG ) {
    if ( is_super_admin() ) {
    <p class=»description»>
    <?php _e( ‘Note:’ ); ?> <?php printf( __( ‘The %s constant in your %s file is no longer needed.’ ), ‘WPLANG‘, ‘wp-config.php‘ ); ?>
    _deprecated_argument( ‘define()’, ‘4.0’, sprintf( __( ‘The %s constant in your %s file is no longer needed.’ ), ‘WPLANG’, ‘wp-config.php’ ) );

    <?php do_settings_sections(‘general’); ?>

    <?php submit_button(); ?>


    <?php include( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/admin-footer.php’ ); ?>

    ¿Que debería cambiar?

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