Etiqueta del plugin: featured post
NS Featured Posts
(23 valoraciones en total)A plugin for making posts, pages, or custom post types featured. Users can enable/disable Featured flags for selected post types.
Feature A Page Widget
(29 valoraciones en total)A widget to display an attractive summary of any page in any widget area.
Genesis Featured Widget Amplified
(15 valoraciones en total)Genesis Featured Posts with support for custom post types, taxonomies, and so much more
Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget
(14 valoraciones en total)Genesis Featured Content with support for custom post types, taxonomies, and so much more.
Featured Post Creative
(9 valoraciones en total)Display Featured post on your website with 2 shortcode and 1 widget. Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
IntelliWidget Per Page Custom Menus and Dynamic Content
(20 valoraciones en total)Muestra menús personalizados, entradas destacadas, tipos de contenido personalizado y otro contenido dinámico por páginas, por entradas o en base a todo el sitio.
Nelio Featured Posts
(9 valoraciones en total)Select the featured posts you want to show at any time and include them in your theme using a widget.
Advanced Featured Page Widget
(4 valoraciones en total)This plugin allows you to add a featured page using a widget.
WP Featured Posts
(3 valoraciones en total)WP Featured Posts is a plugin choose featured posts, sortable and sticky custom post type and compatible with WPML.
Extended Featured Widget
(2 valoraciones en total)Extended Featured Content Widget is a powerful, light weight wordpress plugin that helps you can organize your post/page content beautifully.
Featured Posts Grid
(10 valoraciones en total)A javascript based display of post titles and thumbnails in a grid layout.
Select Featured Posts
(0 valoraciones en total)A plugin which allows you to select/unselect posts and updates the same using Ajax.
Feature Me – CTA Widget
(2 valoraciones en total)A simple widget that allows you to feature any page or post on your website.
Featured Posts Scroll
(1 valoraciones en total)A basic javascript based scrolling display of post titles and thumbnails.
CodeFlavors Featured Post
(2 valoraciones en total)Featured Post Plugin for WordPress with custom post type support.
Visual Recent Posts
(0 valoraciones en total)Displays your recent posts with auto-generated thumbnails and excerpts; also includes a featured post and popup box option.
Featured Posts
(0 valoraciones en total)Featured posts plugin & widget for WordPress or WordPress MU.
Featured Lyth Slide
(2 valoraciones en total)Easy to use WordPress slide plugin for featured post with thumbnail and nice Breaking animation.