DCL is an advanced version of Disqus Commenting System, with which experience the boosted page loading speed difference. This free plugin adds advanced features like lazy loading and SHORTCODE, comment widgets, script disabling etc to your Disqus powered website.
- Este plugin no requiere jQuery. Usamos puro JavaScript
Disqus Conditional Load, popular features..
- All the features from official Disqus plugin.
- Lazy load Disqus comments using – OnScroll,OnClick and Normal.
- Use shortcode to load comments anywhere.
- Custom Post Types support.
- Adjust Disqus container width
- Disable/Enable count scripts if not using.
- Developer friendly.
- Available @GitHub.
Installation | Docs | Screenshots
Disqus Conditional Load Pro
This plugin has a premium version with more cool advanced features like.
- On Scroll Start lazy loading – MOST WANTED!
- Seperate options for mobile and desktop.
- Woocommerce support without breaking review tab.
- Easy Digital Downloads support.
- Comment Count on Button.
- Disqus Comments as Widget.
- Disqus Popular Comments Widget
- Beautiful inbuilt button styles.
- Priority support over email.
Other Features by Disqus and DCL
- Independiente de jQuery, usa solo javascript.
- Support for importing existing comments.
- Posibilidad de quitar todos los scripts de disqus de tipos personalizados de contenido.
- Adjust the Disqus comments width.
- You can use SHORTCODE to load disqus where ever on the page.
- Prevent auto load of Disqus Comments.
- Choose how to load Disqus comments ( On, scroll down, scroll start or click ).
- Custom comment button class
- Ability to disable even count.js script.
- Auto-sync (backup) of comments with Disqus and WordPress database
- Threaded comments and replies
- Notifications and reply by email
- Subscribe and RSS options
- Aggregated comments and social mentions
- Powerful moderation and admin tools
- Full spam filtering, blacklists and whitelists
- Support for Disqus community widgets
- Connected with a large discussion community
- Increased exposure and readership
Informes de errores
Bug reports for DCL are always welcome. Report here. Please do not send support requests here.
Más información
- Disqus Conditional Load Pro, containing more advanced features.
- Sigue al desarrollador en @Twitter
- Other WordPress plugins by Joel James
Comentarios Disqus – Vista previa
Disqus, pronunciado «discus», es un servicio y una herramienta para comentarios y debates web. Disqus hace que comentar sea más fácil y más interactivo, al mismo tiempo que conecta webs y comentaristas en una comunidad de debate.
Si no tienes aún una cuenta en Disqus registrarse en Disqus es gratis y solo lleva unos 30 segundos. Opcionalmente puedes hacerlo después de instalar el plugin.
Informes de errores
Bug reports for DCL are always welcome. Report here. Please do not send support requests here.
Por favor, asegúrate de haber desactivado primero el plugin oficial de Disqus,
ya que este plugin no lo necesita. No tienes que usar el plugin de Disqus si usas este. Si tratas de activar este plugin conjuntamente con el de Disqus se provocará un error fatal
con seguridad. ¡Tienes todas las características de Disqus también!
Instalando el plugin
- In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Disqus Conditional Load and click «Install now«
- Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of
to your plugins directory, which usually is/wp-content/plugins/
. - Activa el plugin
- Accede en tu cuenta de Disqus desde Comentadios->Disqus, luego elige el nombre del foro que quieres instalar.
Configura Disqus para tu web
- Ve a Disqus y regístrate o accede.
- Añade los detalles de tu web y regístrate.
- Una vez termines puedes seguir el paso anterior para instalar el plugin.
Configurando las características avanzadas
- Ve a los ajustes de DCL
- Aquí puedes configurar Disqus con características avanzadas.
¿Necesitas más ayuda?
Please take a look at the DCL documentation or open a support request.
Upgrade to DCL Pro
If you like this plugin, consider upgrading to the Pro version of Disqus Conditional Load for an even better plugin!
¿Cuál es la mejor opción de carga perezosa?
Tanto la de desplazamiento como la de clic son fantásticas. Usa la que prefieras.
¿Cómo me registro con Disqus?
Ve a Disqus y regístrate
¿Cómo uso el shortcode?
Usa el siguiente shortcode en tu entrada/página en la que quieras mostrar comentarios.
What are the main differences between DCL Pro and Free?
Please have a look at the DCL Pro vs Free comparision page on official website.
No quiero scripts de Disqus en contenidos personalizados. ¿Puedo quitarlos?
Sí. Ve a los ajustes de DCL e introduce el nombre del tipo de contenido personalizado del que quieres quitar los scripts de disqus.
Más documentación
More detailed documentation can be found on the DCL documentation section.
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
«Disqus Conditional Load» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.
Colaboradores«Disqus Conditional Load» está traducido en 4 idiomas. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.
Traduce «Disqus Conditional Load» a tu idioma.
¿Interesado en el desarrollo?
Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Security fixes.
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Security fixes.
👌 Mejoras
- Update Disqus to latest version.
- Test compatibility with WP 6.2
- Minor improvements.
👌 Mejoras
- Update Disqus to latest version.
- Use new build tools.
- Test compatibility with WP 5.7
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Fix console errors.
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Fix scroll type JS error.
👌 Mejoras
- Tested with WordPress 5.5.
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Fix comments count script issue.
- Fix Rocket Loader support.
👌 Mejoras
- Reemplazo del enlace de anclaje a los comentarios con el enlace al debate de Disqus.
📦 Nuevas características
- Re-escritrua completa basada en Disqus 3.0..
- Tested with WordPress 5.0
👌 Mejoras
- Mejoras en la interfaz de usuario.
- Mejoras de velocidad.
- Corregidos fallos relacionados con el cron.
👌 Mejoras
- Added diqsus JavaScript variable configs to the page.
- Broken respond link fixed.
- Tested with WordPress 4.5.1
📦 Nuevas características
- Option to remove disqus scripts from post types.
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Issues with custom post types fixed.
- Deprecated usage fixed.
- Tested with WordPress 4.5.
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Fixed issue when # found in url.
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Fixed issues in caching plugins – Thanks to jackennils
- Tested with WordPress 4.4.1
🐛 Correcciones de fallos
- Fixed issues in Internet Explorer after last update
- GOOD NEWS! This plugin is now jQuery independent. That means we use just javascript. So no jQuery issues!
- Improved performance
New Features
- Added option to choose comment div width in % and pixel
- Added option to make CloudFlair Rocket Loader ignore the script
- Changed comments div align to center using inline css.
Errores Corregidos.
- Added checking if USER_AGENT is set before checking current user agent -Thanks to johnstonphilip
- Tested with WordPress 4.3.1
- Big SEO improvement – Showing synced WordPress comments to Search engine bots even if lazy load.
- Tested with WordPress 4.3
Bug Fixes
– Fixed wrong output error in dcl-functions.php – Thanks to Syed Irfaq R
– Tested with WordPress 4.2.4.
Bug Fixes
– Fixed issues with custom post type support
– Removed activation set up redirect since it is causing issues on few servers ( Nginx )
– Added warning message if Disqus is not configured properly.
– Removed DCL settings sub menu links since it is causing redirect error.
Bug Fixes
– Fixed issue with count.js
Bug Fixes
– Fixed not loading when ‘Render Javascript in external files’ unchecked.
– Fixed Activator class error.
– Fixed undefined variable from Disqus.
– Fixed old options not being transferred when updating.
Nueva Característica
- Now you can adjust Disqus comments section width.
- Big improvements in coding standard.
- Changed to OOPS structure. Thanks to – Tom McFarlin,
- Released new dedicated website for the plugin.
- Included latest version of Disqus Commenting System.
- Fixed issues with Woocommerce review
- Moved jQuery code to footer for performance
- A small bug fix
- Fixed a bug ( Not going directly to a particular comments if link contains #comments )
- Fixed issue with custom posts
- Fixed issue with woocommerce review tab
- Fixed ssl issue
- Fixed comments not loading on urls having #comments
- Added new feature – Disabling count.js.
- Releases Pro Version.
- Improved admin page
- Fixed few bugs.
- Added ability to disable lazy load (But shortcode can be used)
- Removed old version jQuery
- Fixed one serious issue regarding count notification.
- Small bug fix on default values.
- Performance improved.
- Added normal Disqus load when access comment id via url.
- Modified admin tab.
- Suggested by – Ian.
- Fixed alignment issue.
- Added easy-to-use tabbed admin page.
- Ability to show normal Disqus comments in SHORTCODE is not found.
- Custom loading message to show before loading Disqus comments.
- Desempeño mejorado.
- Fixed one jQuery bug.
- Removed unwanted jQuery codes.
- Fixed conflict issue with some plugins.
- Desempeño mejorado.
- Fixed jquery conflict issue.
- Reported by – Raman, Rick
- Fixed one bug.
- Desempeño mejorado.
- Fixed alignment issues on admin page.
- Hidden unwanted things from comments template.
- Desempeño mejorado.
- Errores Corregidos.
- Removed some unwanted scripts that caused javascript errors.
- Reported by – Josef
- Hidden default WordPress comments (it was showing without style before Disqus loads)
- Support forum added
- Integrated with official Disqus plugin.
- Added all official plugin features.
- Custom class usage on button.
- Moved menu to comments menu
- Bug fixes.
- Errores Corregidos.
- Errores Corregidos.
- Added more advanced features.
- Withdrawn PRO version. All features are free!!
- Subversion update with structure fix.
- option to disable comments on home page/front page.
- Improved admin menu
- Fixed issues on scroll option.
- Improved codes.
- Works without Disqus Installed.
- If username not given it will not load
- Redirect to admin page after activation
- Added admin menu
- Added two methods (onclick and onscroll)
- User can change settings from admin page.
- Added first version without admin menu