No es el típico plugin de creación de formularios. Forminator es el plugin de maquetación de formularios de WordPress fácil de usar para cada web y situación. Es la forma más fácil de crear cualquier formulario: formulario de contacto, formulario de pedido, formulario de pago, formulario de correo electrónico, widgets de comentarios, encuestas interactivas con resultados en tiempo real, cuestionarios de estilo buzzfeed «sin respuesta incorrecta», estimadores de servicios y formularios de registro con opciones de pago que incluyen PayPal y Stripe.
Es el maquetador de formularios mágico de WordPress para, bueno, ¡para todos!
El maquetador visual de arrastrar y soltar de Forminator facilita la configuración y añadir formularios a tu web de WordPress. Recopila información, haz que tu contenido sea interactivo y genera más conversiones con Forminator.
Unlock all form fields and premium addons from the start with Forminator Pro.
Level up immediately with exclusive Pro features like Stripe subscription forms, dynamic PDF generation, and easy geolocation & autocomplete. Learn more about Pro.
Formularios de Forminator, encuestas, cuestionarios, sondeos de opinión, cálculos y más …
- Formularios – Formularios personalizados para todas tus necesidades, con tantos campos como quieras.
- Encuestas- Encuestas interactivas para recopilar las opiniones de los usuarios, con muchas opciones y ajustes dinámicos.
- Cuestionarios – Cuestionarios divertidos o desafiantes para que tus visitantes los realicen y compartan en las redes sociales.
- Cálculos: recopila información, genera clientes potenciales, recibe pedidos e involucra a los visitantes.
- Pagos: acepta pagos, donaciones, anticipos, vende merchandising con las integraciones de Stripe y PayPal incluidas.
Aprende todos los aspectos de Forminator con estos prácticos tutoriales
- Creando el formulario de contacto perfecto con Forminator
- Crea un formulario de pago fácil (¡gratis!) con Forminator
- Cómo aprovechar al máximo el uso de Forminator
- Cómo capturar firmas electrónicas usando Forminator
- Cómo recopilar correos electrónicos y generar clientes potenciales con un cuestionario de Forminator
Acepta pagos con Stripe y PayPal
Empieza a aceptar pagos con Forminator. ¡No se requiere actualización Pro! Stripe y PayPal compatibles con SCA vienen incluidos. Simplemente ingresa tus claves de publicación para activar el módulo de pago de Forminator para pagos fijos y variables. Comprueba cómo funciona en el video a continuación:
Socio verificado de Stripe
Forminator también se enorgullece de ser un socio verificado de Stripe. Esta asociación nos permite ayudarte a aprovechar al máximo nuestra integración de Stripe gracias a recursos adicionales, p. Ej. la capacidad de escalar preguntas de soporte o solicitar revisiones de precios personalizados.
Los cálculos son un imán de clientes potenciales
Hay, literalmente, miles de combinaciones para añadir valor a su sitio con cálculos:
- Formularios de registro con paquetes de actualización
- Vender una camiseta con variaciones de tamaño, color, precio e impuestos
- Añade una calculadora de IMC y/o ingesta de calorías a tu blog de salud y estado físico
- Incrusta una calculadora de préstamos en tu sitio de finanzas
- Dale a una partera una calculadora de fecha de parto
- Estimador de presupuestos o servicios
- Pon una calculadora de ROI en el sitio de tu agencia
- Y sigue y sigue y sigue…
Bloques de formulario para arrastrar y soltar
Forminator tiene un montón de bloques de arrastrar y soltar que facilitan hacer formularios: nombre, correo electrónico, número de teléfono, texto, carga de archivos, web, fecha, hora, número, HTML, paginación, cuadros de radio, opción compatible con RGPG., pagos, cálculos y campo oculto.
Tus integraciones favoritas, incluidas 1000 aplicaciones ya añadidas
Forminator viene con las integraciones de terceros favoritas de todos: servicios de correo electrónico, CRM, almacenamiento y administradores de proyectos.
- HubSpot
- Campaign Monitor
- ActiveCampaign
- Google Sheets
- Webhooks (Zapier, Make, Tray, etc)
- Trello
- MailChimp
- AWeber
- Slack
Desarrolla y vende tus propias extensiones
¡Forminator es gratis y está abierto a millones de usuarios de WordPress! Utiliza la developer API y los ganchos y filtros incluidos para crear sus propias integraciones o aplicaciones personalizadas y venderlas o regalarlas gratis aquí en
Encuesta a tus visitantes
Las encuestas son una gran manera de atraer a los visitantes. Forminator proporciona respuestas en tiempo real con estadísticas en vivo que se muestran en hermosos gráficos.
Tus propios cuestionarios al estilo de Facebook
¿Quién no ha hecho cuestionarios en Facebook como «pruebas de CI» y «averigua qué personaje de Star Wars eres»? Ahora puedes llevar todo ese tráfico a tu sitio. Crea cuestionarios de conocimiento y de «no hay respuestas incorrectas» con Forminator.
Recolecta clientes potenciales con tus cuestionarios
¿Deseas utilizar tus cuestionarios para algo más que entretenimiento y una forma de atraer a tu audiencia? Forminator también te permite recopilar los detalles de los participantes (por ejemplo, nombre, correo electrónico, etc.) mediante la integración de un formulario de generación de clientes potenciales en tu cuestionario. Mira cómo funciona a continuación:
Bloque de Gutenberg
Forminator es para ti, ya seas un editor clásico o un primer adaptador de Gutenberg. Dile adiós a los shortcodes y añade formularios rápidamente a las entradas con el bloque Forminator para Gutenberg.
Enrutamiento y llenado previo de correo electrónico
Haz que tu sitio sea más eficiente desde la entrada de visitantes, hasta los tiempos de respuesta por correo electrónico. Utiliza cadenas de consulta para completar previamente la información de tu visitante y entregar formularios directamente a equipos específicos con enrutamiento de correo electrónico, respuesta automática y condiciones.
Envíos de entradas desde la interfaz de usuario
¿Quieres que tus visitantes compartan el envío de una entrada sin necesidad de acceder al panel de WordPress? Con Forminator, los visitantes pueden enviar ideas de entradas desde la parte frontal de tu sitio para que pueda seleccionar y publicar fácilmente sus pensamientos. Asignar la publicación a un autor por defecto, guardar como borrador, publicar de inmediato, etc.
Google reCAPTCHA
No deseas que tu bandeja de entrada se inunde con un montón de formularios de spam. Google ReCAPTCHA es gratuito con Forminator. Ahora puedes detener a los locos bots sin que sea difícil para tus visitantes. No más frases aleatorias difíciles de leer.
Recopilación, seguimiento y listo para RGPD
Forminator almacena y organiza los envíos para que puedas ordenar, analizar y gestionar las respuestas. Todo esto al mismo tiempo que hace que sea muy fácil cumplir con el RGPD y otras políticas legales de privacidad.
Importar los datos existentes de Contact Form 7
¿Deseas mover los formularios existentes desde CF7? El asistente de importación de Forminator te permite migrar todos los formularios seleccionados en cuestión de clic. También puedes transferir datos desde una variedad de extensiones y ajustes de Contact Form 7.
Formularios personalizados de acceso y registro
Crea e incrusta formularios personalizados de acceso y registro para tus sitios (¡o multisitios!). Lleva los formularios al siguiente nivel: elije entre una variedad de campos de formulario y personaliza los ajustes, el estilo y el comportamiento. Obten más información en el video a continuación:
Campo de subida de varios archivos
Además de permitir la subida de un solo archivo, Forminator lleva las cosas a un nivel superior al permitir a los usuarios subir varios archivos. También puedes optar por establecer tipos de archivos específicos, limitar la cantidad de archivos que se pueden subir, así como el tamaño de archivo individual. La interfaz de arrastrar y soltar del campo de subida también facilita que los usuarios suban archivos.
Group And Repeat Form Fields
The Field Group feature allows you to group any number of fields together in one form. You can also enable users to add as many additional field groups as needed when filling out your form. Great for repeatable data entry such as employment history, event attendees, lists, etc.
Restricciones de campo de fecha avanzadas
Perfecto para citas y reservas de hotel: la característica límites del selector de fechas de Forminator te permite restringir las fechas disponibles que se muestran en tu calendario del campo de fechas. Por ejemplo, puedes mostrar solo fechas futuras, una cantidad seleccionada de fechas a partir de hoy, fechas entre un rango de fechas específico, días específicos de la semana y más.
Add An E-Signature Form Field (Pro Only)*
¿Tienes una solicitud en línea que requiere una firma o un contrato que necesita que tus clientes firmen? La característica de firma electrónica de Forminator permite a los visitantes usar su ratón, trackpad o dedo (en dispositivos táctiles) para dejar una firma al enviar el formulario. Simplemente inserta el campo «Firma electrónica» y ¡listo!
Receive Subscriptions and Recurring Payments on Stripe (Pro Only)*
Create fully-customized subscription forms with Forminator Pro’s Stripe Subscription add-on. Allow your customers to choose plans/pricing, billing cycle, custom upsells, a free trial option, and of course, make secure card payments. Forminator also saves you time by instantly and automatically syncing all subscription form data straight to your Stripe account.
*Note: These features are only available with Forminator Pro. Get instant access to Forminator Pro – as well as all our other premium plugins, managed WP hosting, our site management platform: The Hub, and 24/7 expert support – all with a WPMU DEV membership.
¿Qué dice la gente sobre Forminator?
Plugin asombroso, realmente parece que solo tu imaginación puede limitar sus usos. Un montón de características como aceptar pagos, calendario, de forma gratuita. No puedo creer que todo lo que necesito esté ahí, genera creatividad y hace que trabajar en un sitio web sea divertido. – araca
Este plugin tiene una interfaz de usuario excelente, bien pensado y bien diseñado y ofrece todo lo que estaba buscando (y creo que lo he probado con todos los competidores serios). – tvsmvp
¡Este plugin es el mejor maquetador de formularios gratuitos con diferencia! He investigado muchos, pero esto es tan fácil de usar … Pruébalo.
Estoy SEGURO de que te ENCANTARÁ. – johncarteroz
Excelente diseño de interfaz, súper fácil de usar y gran funcionalidad. Normalmente no escribo reseñas, pero me encantó tanto que tenía que hacerlo esta vez. – istavridi
Alguno de nuestros plugin(s)
¿Disfrutás de Forminator? WPMU DEV tiene otros plugins gratuitos increíbles que deberías probar.
- Smush – Optimización y compresión de imágenes
- Hummingbird – Optimización de la velocidad de la página
- Hustle – ventanas emergentes, carruseles y inscripciones de Correo electrónico
- SmartCrawl – Optimizador de SEO
- Defender – Seguridad, supervisión y protección contra Hackeos
Acerca de nosotros
WPMU DEV es un proveedor premium de plugins, servicios y soporte de WordPress de calidad. Únete aquí:
No olvides mantenerte actualizado sobre todo WordPress desde el recurso número uno de Internet:
El blog de WPMU DEV
Una sola cosa más… ¡esperamos que disfrutes las ofertas gratuitas tanto como nosotros disfrutamos al crearlas para ti!
Contacto y reconocimientos
Why choose Forminator over WPForms?
Forminator offers more features and functionalities compared to WPForms, especially in its free version. While WPForms Lite has limited access to essential tools, Forminator offers over 20 form fields, conditional logic, and comprehensive spam protection.
Additionally, Forminator provides payment integrations with both Stripe and Paypal, whereas WPForms Lite only integrates with Stripe. Forminator also supports a wider range of integrations, as well as quizzing and polling tools, advanced customization and styling options, and robust submission management. These features are available only in the pro version of WPForms.
¿Forminator incluye un bloque de Gutenberg?
¡Así es! Forminator está diseñado para funcionar en ambos editores, Gutenberg y el clásico.
¿Forminator está preparado para el RGPD?
Forminator te facilita cumplir con RGPD y otras regulaciones locales de privacidad. Todas las herramientas están incluidas, pero en última instancia, depende de ti implementar una protección de datos y privacidad en tu sitio. Hagan lo correcto, todos ustedes.
¿Puedes aceptar pagos con Forminator?
Actualmente, Forminator incluye integración con las pasarelas de pago Stripe y PayPal… ambas incluidas completamente gratis.
¿Las opciones de pago de Forminator cumplen con SCA?
¡Sí! Forminator no gestiona el proceso de pago. Trabajamos con Stripe y PayPal para garantizar que las integraciones incorporadas sigan las normas de la UE sobre la identificación reforzada del cliente (PSD2) (en inglés, Strong Customer Authentication – SCA).
¿Cómo creo un formulario de contacto en WordPress con Forminator?
Hemos reunido una guía sencilla para los formularios de contacto de Forminator en nuestro blog. Puedes leer el artículo aquí
¡Quiero desarrollar para Forminator! ¿Dónde puedo encontrar la documentación de la API?
Descubre todo lo que necesitas saber consultando nuestra documentación de la API aquí
¿Dónde puedo obtener los documentos de Forminator?
How can I report security issues or bugs?
We take plugin security incredibly seriously; if you have a bug or vulnerability to report, you can do so through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. It’s fast, easy, and you will be notified when the issue is fixed. Report a vulnerability.
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
«Forminator – Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.
Colaboradores«Forminator – Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder» está traducido en 18 idiomas. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.
Traduce «Forminator – Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder» a tu idioma.
¿Interesado en el desarrollo?
Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
1.37.1 ( 2024-11-25 )
- Fix: Conflict with Divi child themes
- Fix: Calculation field does not work due to Number Formatting
- Fix: Notice for _load_textdomain_just_in_time called incorrectly since WordPress v6.7
1.37.0 ( 2024-11-19 )
- Enhancement: New Basic Style mode for Forms
- Enhancement: Add Use Theme Colors option
- Fix: Low-level roles can create a Registration form
- Fix: Security improvements
- Fix: Incorrect access to Preset and Cloud templates for users on the Free plan
- Fix: Low-level roles can Approve or Delete Users when manual approval is set for the registration form
- Fix: PayPal payment cancellation fully prevents form submission with no option to re-try payment until the form is reloaded
- Fix: Calculation error in the donation template when the «other» donation option is selected
- Fix: Add missed settings for Appearance Presets
- Fix: Syntax error in CSS file causing issues with Litespeed Cache plugin UCSS
- Fix: Issue with creating the registration form
- Fix: No calendar background when the Colibri WP theme is active
- Fix: Upload file inline validation does not work for some file types
- Fix: Signature UI is broken on the Submission page in some cases
- Fix: All polls become inactive when there is more than 1 poll on a page and one of them is submitted
- Fix: Add security notice for Registration Forms for administrator roles
- Fix: Adding odd technical text on PDF files
1.36.3 ( 2024-10-25 )
- Fix: Phone fields issue
1.36.2 ( 2024-10-23 )
- Fix: Remove development dependencies from the plugin
1.36.1 ( 2024-10-21 )
- Fix: Security improvements
1.36.0 ( 2024-10-09 )
- Enhancement: Update Google Sheets integration library.
- Enhancement: Update phone number validation library.
- Fix: Improve compatibility with the Paid Memberships Pro plugin.
- Fix: Resolve issue where Forminator reCaptcha fails when both Defender 2FA and reCaptcha are enabled on login form.
- Fix: Correct CSS syntax error causing LiteSpeed Cache plugin’s UCSS to break.
- Fix: Address field preview issue when using the Full Site Editor and the Gutenberg Forminator Form block.
- Fix: Resolve signature field display issue in full-width mode.
- Fix: Prevent blank page on poll submission when «Display Results» is enabled and rendering is done via AJAX.
- Fix: Escape unescaped characters in participant email titles for quizzes with leads enabled.
- Fix: Ensure special characters are correctly counted in textarea fields when a character limit is set.
- Fix: Resolve issue where number fields with comma separators caused URL redirects to fail.
- Fix: Address conflicts between field conditions when switching between options.
- Fix: Correct template translation issues.
- Fix: Ensure redirects work properly based on date conditions.
- Fix: Resolve custom spacing issue in the «None» design style.
- Fix: Apply security improvements.
1.35.1 ( 2024-09-17 )
- Enhancement: Stripe API and PayPal secret key encryption
- Fix: Security improvements
1.35.0 ( 2024-09-02 )
- Enhancement: Code improvements
- Fix: Installatron on cPanel reverts Forminator Pro to Free
- Fix: Issues with submitting PDF files and storing submissions in the database
- Fix: Unpublished quiz does not display an error on submission
- Fix: Submission fails when the Consent field is translated
- Fix: Duplicated image when Custom Field is enabled
- Fix: PayPal payment form issues with reCaptcha
- Fix: Stripe field does not show if is hidden by CSS
- Fix: Checkbox Links are not crawlable
- Fix: If Required field validation is not checked first, the PayPal button does not work
1.34.1 ( 2024-08-14 )
- Fix: XSS vulnerabilities
1.34.0 ( 2024-07-18 )
- Enhancement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.6
- Fix: Rating field Color section inconsistent
- Fix: Multi Select field is forced to have a default option
- Fix: Lifespan submissions limit ignored for quizzes until the page is refreshed
- Fix: PDF attached in Email Notification
- Fix: On the third page of pagination, it is not possible to access the previous page of the form list
- Fix: Clicking «Submit Deposit» fails when entering a valid zip code
- Fix: «Is Not» condition is not working with zero or null value
- Fix: Form embedded in Elementor popup showing duplicate buttons
- Fix: When submitting the paginated form, fields can be hidden based on the visibility condition
1.33.0 ( 2024-07-10 )
- Enhancement: Stripe integration with new RAK Keys
- Fix: Border appears around the pagination form when clicking on any unfilled area or rating field
- Fix: Prefixes are not allowed in the Pakistani phone field
- Fix: Clicking the last dot of the pagination indicator skips required fields
- Fix: Custom required alert message does not appear in the Rating field
- Fix: Select field displays the first option instead of placeholder text
- Fix: When switching from Update Existing Template to New Template, the template name disappears from the selection.
1.32.0 ( 2024-07-02 )
- New Feature: Add Preset and Cloud Form Templates
- New Feature: Add a Rating field
- Enhancement: Ability to choose a worksheet to send data to in a Google Sheet
- Enhancement: Add a modern multi-select option to the Select field
- Enhancement: Update Phone Number validation library
- Enhancement: Compatibility with Custom Field Suite plugin
- Fix: Incorrect state in PayPal billing details
- Fix: Visibility conditional logic for the submit button based on radio doesn’t work on paged forms
- Fix: Issues with Group duplication and dragging
- Fix: Files stay on the server deleting submission files.
- Fix: Default HTML upload field is visible in Post Data featured image along with styled field
- Fix: Connected integrations are missing on the Integrations page for quizzes without leads
- Fix: Delay when dragging and dropping Forminator fields
- Fix: Issue when creating Preset
- Fix: Issues with form submission when the Name field is set to Required with prefill enabled.
- Fix: Textarea field width is not aligned with the other fields when placed on the 2nd column
- Fix: Colon removed from URL when using the Hidden field for redirect
- Fix: Submission_id in the Hidden field doesn’t work in MailChimp integration
- Fix: Forminator doesn’t show the menu selected when using Windows High Contrast Mode
- Fix: Captcha will not show on preview after the first try on Forms
- Fix: JS error when dragging and dropping fields in Forminator
- Fix: Issues with translating certain strings
1.31.0 ( 2024-06-03 )
- Enhancement: Update Stripe library to the latest version
- Enhancement: Add the ability to align ReCaptcha to the right
- Enhancement: Prevent disabling calculation option on fields that are used in Calculations field formulas
- Fix: Workato Webhook does not connect
- Fix: Password is sent as plain text in Login form when using a webhook
- Fix: Some fields do not support HTML tags in the description
- Fix: Incorrect password on Forminator Login form for a specific password
- Fix: Conflicts with the Suremember plugin
- Fix: Stripe field is not showing on PopUp plugins
- Fix: International phone validation field prevents submission even if the field is optional
- Fix: Quiz Final Count message is erased even after saving
- Fix: Open the GDPR links in a new browser tab by default
- Fix: Form expands when loaded via Ajax while having conditionally visible fields
- Fix: Number field is not working for Stripe pre-filled postal code
- Fix: Pagination custom button text is not working if you start the form with a Slider field
- Fix: Post data field shows only the first Category and first tag in email notification when Multiple option is selected for tags and categories
- Fix: Replace statement_descriptor_suffix to fit the Stripe API
- Fix: Some Custom CSS classes in the PDF add-on are no longer working
- Fix: Slider values are not getting reset when a form is submitted
- Fix: Sorting submissions does not apply to exported CSV
- Fix: Upload field issue with WebP file type
- Fix: HTML Validation for select fields
- Fix: Can’t assign Name field to username in User Login Form
- Fix: Escaping characters in redirect URL breaks form pre-population
- Fix: Contact Form 7 image file size limit is not imported
- Fix: Scheduled Exports in Submissions do not allow editing of the email on Forms
- Fix: Columns break when custom spacing value is set to 0
- Fix: Search bar on matching Hubspot fields isn’t working
- Fix: Incorrect scrolling in paginated forms with long HTML field content on mobile devices
1.30.2 ( 2024-04-30 )
- Fix: Temporarily support deprecated classes for integrations
1.30.1 ( 2024-04-09 )
- Fix: Backward compatibility with Complianz plugin
1.30.0 ( 2024-04-08 )
- New Feature: Integration with MailerLite
- Enhancement: Refactoring of all integrations
- Enhancement: Twitter rebranding
- Enhancement: UX improvements for Forminator addons
- Security Fix: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability
- Security Fix: SQL injection vulnerability
- Fix: Aweber integration not connecting when an identifier is added
- Fix: Replaced h4 tags with label tags for field labels
- Fix: HTML field displays ‘undefined’ if a field used inside HTML content is deleted
- Fix: Filter not functioning correctly for Draft/Complete form status during Export Submissions
- Fix: Sort Order filter not applied correctly during Export Submissions
- Fix: Submission Status in the submissions filter box not clearing
- Fix: Irrelevant submission status filter for quizzes on the Submissions page
- Fix: Black border appears when opening accordion on the Submissions page
- Fix: Disabling Paypal shipping address option not functioning
- Fix: Personality quiz returning incorrect personality in case of a tie in results
- Fix: Paginated form cannot be submitted if there is a Consent field on one of the pages and Draft is used
- Fix: Textarea label overlaps the default value when using the Material preset on forms
- Fix: Color issue on input fields in Safari
1.29.3 ( 2024-04-08 )
- Security Fix: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability
1.29.2 ( 2024-03-07 )
- Fix: Stripe doesn’t work on some mobile devices
1.29.1 ( 2024-03-05 )
- Fix: XSS vulnerabilities
1.29.0 ( 2024-01-30 )
- New: Range slider
- Fix: Email notification from Save and Continue feature does not support {all_fields} or individual fields
- Fix: Embed URL receives the referrer URL instead of page URL when the form is not loading from Ajax
- Fix: The export of Forminator submissions displays an incomplete URL for the uploaded files.
- Fix: The total value of repeater field groups is not correctly reflected on email notifications
- Fix: Add_form_field API fatal error in PHP 8.0+
- Fix: The repeater field data in the email notification is missing and the submission shows incorrect data
- Fix: If a visibility condition is configured on the Stripe field, payment plan conditions don’t work
- Fix: ActionScheduler crashes website due to outdated table structure
- Fix: Form displays «This value must be greater than or equal to 1» error
- Fix: The Number field decimal doesn’t work on emails
- Fix: When two users submit the form at once, limit submission doesn’t work
- Fix: Export missing field data
- Fix: Required Checkbox triggers an error message on pagination
- Fix: The manual approval of user registration forms doesn’t work when the website URL is too long
- Fix: Zapier WebHook integration missing upload field data
- Fix: Upload timeout error
1.28.1 ( 2023-12-18 )
- Improvement: Hosting offer update
- Improvement: Discount copy update
1.28.0 ( 2023-11-13 )
- New: MailJet Integration
- New: User role permissions
- Improvement: jQuery validation version update
- Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4
- Improvement: Randomize checkbox and radio button options
- Fix: Improved handling of action scheduler
- Fix: CSV exports and DB entries generated by spam submissions
- Fix: Fatal error if php_uname() function is disabled on server
- Fix: Check curl_init before loading the mix panel
1.27.0 ( 2023-10-09 )
- New: Usage Data tracking
- Fix: Phone validation set to Croatia or other international formats prevents form submission
- Fix: Resume message from Save and Continue display field tag name instead of typed text
- Fix: Using merge tags in checkbox/radio fields results in an «Error! Invalid payment amount!» message
- Fix: Hovering over number fields triggers the «Typing» action
- Fix: The search field is not working when an additional field is added to a HubSpot form
- Fix: Form submission fails when the Field Group repeater has «choice» fields and the PDF is attached to the email
- Fix: Inline validation prevents PayPal submission in case of pre-submission errors
- Fix: Stripe charges an incorrect amount for payments over 999 when using comma-formatted numbers
1.26.0 ( 2023-09-13 )
- New: Geolocation add-on that collects location information on form submission, and provides address auto-suggestion.
1.25.2 ( 2023-08-23 )
- Improvement: Discount copy update
1.25.1 ( 2023-08-18 )
- Improvement: Minor improvements in copy
1.25.0 ( 2023-08-16 )
- New: PDF Generator add-on in Pro Version
1.24.6 ( 2023-07-06 )
- Fix: Issues with Form Submission
1.24.5 ( 2023-07-05 )
- Improvement: PHP Compatibility
1.24.4 ( 2023-07-03 )
- Improvement: Hubspot URL Redirection
- Improvement: Add notes for translations with placeholders
- Improvement: Prevent XSS vulnerability in translations
- Fix: Email displays incorrect currency when custom separators are used
- Fix: Issues with the Country field on disabling and re-enabling
- Fix: Stripe charges incorrect amount
- Fix: Security improvements
1.24.1 ( 2023-06-05 )
- Improvement: Option to change the size of radio/checkbox images
- Improvement: Add filter to change the upload path
- Improvement: Phone field input validation
- Improvement: Add alt text to images on quiz answers
- Improvement: Added new notice that reports only data from live payments on the report page
- Fix: Uploading a single file is prevented by the payments field, resulting in a 404 error
- Fix: HTML field content is stripped of anchor tag target property
- Fix: Conflict with Norebro theme
- Fix: Dropdown styling in different languages
- Fix: Delete Alert box design
- Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2
- Fix: Timepicker Field Default Minutes issues when the value is 0
- Fix: The E-Signature label overlaps the placeholder when using the Material preset on Forms
- Fix: Select input doesn’t show the dropdown menu on the oxygen builder
- Fix: Defender Masked login area does not work with Lost your password option in the login form
- Fix: Google Lighthouse Aria labels
- Fix: Defender login recaptcha verification fails with Forminator recaptcha
- Fix: Incorrect Stripe charges if the field Visibility is hidden
- Fix: Issues with form submission when ‘Multiple’ is selected in the Name field
- Fix: Upload field mapped to the custom field does not include file URL in the post data field
- Fix: Captcha language cannot be set back to Automatic after language is set on the captcha
- Fix: Stripe’s field meta does not display all address fields when changed on forms
- Fix: Textarea does not recognize the max character limit when a field is required and rich-text editor is enabled on forms
- Fix: URL redirection when the dynamic field value is used
- Fix: The AJAX method can fail to upload multiple files if one of the files is invalid or the form was submitted too soon
- Fix: Autofill is not allowing the form to be sent
- Fix: Submission retention reset to Custom and 0 days
- Fix: Unused/old CSS filling the server
- Fix: Adding HTTP to email body URLs
- Fix: Registration form default submissions text doesn’t change after the edit
- Fix: TinyMCE is not working in pagination when set to required and loaded using Ajax
- Fix: Account registration successful message is not working for manual activation
- Fix: ACF and file upload field in the registration form
- Fix: The form added in the Elementor popup is not submitting
- Fix: Issues with conditional logic
- Fix: Form is not showing conflict with All in One SEO
- Fix: Registration emails are not translated
- Fix: Stripe 3D secure payment is not working with page reload
- Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function switch_to_locale() on null
- Fix: UI issue on recipients tab on adding multiple recipients
- Fix: Rich edit textarea values are stripped of HTML if post data custom fields have rich edit textarea
- Fix: Submission filters are not applied to CSV export if the filter is user status for registration forms
- Fix: Email address should be validated for email notification recipients
- Fix: Power Automate webhook is not working
- Fix: Form returns a validation error in the Phone number field when Faroes Islands is configured as the default country
- Fix: Upload file button reloads the page when the form is placed in PopUp for the Divi plugin
- Fix: If one text field is hidden with visibility based on a select field, both values are added to the post data custom field
- Fix: When we submit a long lead form, the quiz is not focused
- Fix: Unable to move the fields in post data custom fields
- Fix: Site errors getting exported when a form is exported
- Fix: Forminator always enqueues Roboto font
- Fix: Conditions for the currency field should match other number fields
- Fix: The multiple files upload via limit size is not working after removing exceeded files
- Fix: Scheduled Exports returns «Invalid form type»
- Fix: Section without a label is not separated in emails
- Fix: Submit button does not appear if the user removes the submit text from the submit button
- Fix: Translation issues with Forminator Pro refresh button text
- Fix: The «Appearance» tab doesn’t display the option to change color for the Consent field
- Fix: No message displayed on form submission, when the lead generation form placement is set to ‘Before showing results’
- Fix: «Embed URL» in the hidden field is incorrect
- Fix: In the Dashboard, the last submission time ignores polls and quizzes
- Fix: On multisite, the WordPress Settings link is broken on the Reports Notifications Schedule tab
- Fix: Aweber subscriber data getting overwritten for existing subscribers
- Fix: ‘Uncaught TypeError createRoot’ console error on Form Editor
- Fix: Submission behavior conditions not working as expected
- Fix: Double submissions happen on clicking the Submit button twice quickly
- Fix: Repeated items are missing when a draft is edited and saved again
1.23.3 ( 2023-04-12 )
- Improvement: Security improvements
- Improvement: The upload path has been updated for enhanced security
- Improvement: Calculation operators
- Improvement: Hidden fields calculations value
- Improvement: Make Grouping compatible with Save and Continue feature
- Improvement: Limit form submissions per logged-in user
- Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2
- Fix: Handle possible WP errors
- Fix: File upload is not sent to Google Sheets via Zapier
- Fix: Reset rule must apply only for forminator
- Fix: Inline message does not work with Stripe
- Fix: Number field minimum limit is not working when it is set to 0
- Fix: Issue when using JPY currency
- Fix: Visibility and calculation issues in grid format
- Fix: The default transparency color picker on the form container is set incorrectly
- Fix: PayPal throwing payment error
- Fix: A radio button with an apostrophe in the value cannot be calculated
- Fix: Form slow to load with a ‘Maximum call stack size exceeded’ console error
- Fix: Polls cannot be created from mobile devices
- Fix: When sharing quiz content on Facebook, the message is not included
- Fix: If the Hustle Pro pop-up is displayed, the PayPal payment field does not appear
- Fix: Unrecognized request URL error in Stripe when the multiple name field option is enabled
- Fix: Embedding a poll on the same page breaks the form
- Fix: Creating a knowledge quiz form with the leads option enabled results in empty answer fields
- Fix: Visibility rules are causing errors if required fields are present in group fields
- Fix: Select and Checkbox in Calculations doesn’t work on repeated items
- Fix: Random failures on ReCaptcha and pop-ups
- Fix: Visibility Bypass hidden in Calculation
- Fix: Error in formula during calculation
- Fix: ‘You cannot confirm this PaymentIntent’ Stripe error
- Fix: Custom taxonomies are not included in submissions and notifications of Post Data fields
- Fix: When subscription payments are enabled in Stripe, payment details do not work
- Fix: Google Sheets integration is not working on connecting to a folder in a shared drive
- Fix: Stripe gives an error on submission when a calculation condition is used on a payment plan
- Fix: Submit button can’t be hidden in a payment form with pagination
- Fix: Form missing data on submission and causes issues with email routing
- Fix: Calculation field bug
- Fix: Elementor Pro – pop-up makes duplicated ajax calls
- Fix: Stripe payment amount processed incorrectly
- Fix: Reply-to adding space in emails
- Fix: Log warnings while attempting to read properties
- Fix: Error in calculation field when notification email is resend
- Fix: An error occurs when you match the Date field to Hubspot and leave it empty on the form submission
- Fix: Paypal’s funding sources disappear on horizontal layout change
- Fix: Fatal error when you import redirection for CF7
- Fix: Incorrect view count in old forms when switched to the latest version
- Fix: Select, Checkbox, and Radio showing empty values in email notifications for knowledge quiz with leads enabled
- Fix: Log warnings on form submission when the File upload field is mapped to custom meta in the Stripe field
- Fix: «Automatically Login new user» option should be ignored when «Manual Approval» is selected in the Registration form
- Fix: Quiz Submission does not show repeated items if the Leads form has Field Group
- Fix: Number field in Calculation does not work correctly when a number has a default value or value from the query parameter
- Fix: Duplication of the «Save as Draft» button on enabling «Enable save and continue» and embedding the form twice
- Fix: Aggregate Checkbox, Radio, and Select fields do not work in the Calculation formula
- Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.0
1.22.1 ( 2022-12-26 )
- Improvement: Support repeated groups of fields with Webhook and GSheet integrations
- Improvement: Use Repeater in Calculation field
- Improvement: Provide a horizontal placement option for multiple field names
- Fix: Calculations field in repeater groups use only the first item used in the formula, not the items in that group
- Fix: Submission export breaks when fields aren’t filled out
- Fix: Unable to select files when Multiple File Upload field is repeated and Form is Loaded using Ajax
- Fix: Having more than one Field Group and disabling Repeater in settings does not change the Minimum Repeater Limit
- Fix: Only the first item in the required field is validated when the field is repeated and the form does not have inline validation
- Fix: When Form is loaded using Ajax and Hustle popup has a form embedded that also has a number field, custom limits values do not work
- Fix: Validation error for required checkbox disappears for first group item when Form is Load using ajax
- Fix: Required option does not allow to submit form when field group is hidden due to visibility rule
- Fix: Group visibility is not applied to child fields, it causes error if the subfields are required and doesn’t allow the submission
- Fix: Missing data on submission page and in CSV files
- Fix: Paypal field still accepts payments even if there’s an error on Forms
- Fix: Forminator JavaScript loops
- Fix: Number field does not show Limits both custom error messages on Forms
- Fix: Same field ID of multiple forms on a single page
- Fix: Submission behaviour has a blank space added on redirect URL behaviour
- Fix: Redirect to URL containing space between Query Parameters get stripped
- Fix: Checkbox required message not showing up if at first if inline validation enabled
- Fix: Hubspot selected Items are added but invisible in ticket description
- Fix: Forminator inline CSS is overriding the pagination footer
- Fix: Featured Image not showing proper in Preview with None feature
- Fix: Create new quiz popup options is misaligned
- Fix: The email field is not aligned on the Submissions page
- Fix: Visibility rules from repeater field overwrite rules in second items
- Fix: Stripe field still accepts payments even when there’s an error on Forms
- Fix: Incorrect usage of aria-describedby
- Fix: Fatal Error on submitting form when Integration has condition using Date
- Fix: All phone number validations reset to Afghanistan after plugin update
- Fix: Reports notifications send multiple emails
1.21.0 ( 2022-12-05 )
- Fix: Security improvements
- Fix: Lead submissions to an unpublished quiz
- Fix: Signature field does not work on Divi Popups
- Fix: Stripe field not visible in pop-ups with on-click triggers
- Fix: MailChimp Tags Modal window doesn’t appear for quizzes
- Fix: Phone field «National» validation fails when entering a valid international number
- Fix: If Akismet protection is enabled, the form will display a warning when the Signature field is submitted
- Fix: Redirect after submission isn’t working
- Fix: API method for adding polls isn’t working
- Fix: It is only possible to pre-populate a query variable if the option is set to ‘Selected’
- Fix: Uncaught exception for Mailchimp causes a fatal error
- Fix: Register/login links disappear after submission
- Fix: Multiselect email routing bug
- Fix: Content filed in the Post Data field doesn’t work with save and continue
- Fix: The thousands separator is not working in email when using the {calc-ID} macro
- Fix: Although calculations is disabled for a Number field, it is still used in calculations
- Fix: The ampersand (&) sign is counted as 5 characters instead of 1
- Fix: Bypass adding the required email notification recipient
- Fix: Error when adding an ampersand (&) sign as a Checkbox option value
- Fix: PayPal shows an error message when adding multiple forms with a PayPal button on the same page
- Fix: An extra «+» character is added to phone number upon submission if the number is incorrect
- Fix: Performing calculations on two number fields are initially out of sync when using the increase/decrease buttons
1.20.1 ( 2022-11-17 )
- New: Scheduled report notifications
- Improvement: Custom Variable selections includes Number fields
- Fix: Quiz preview modal doesn’t work
- Fix: Knowledge quiz email notification values for From Name, Reply-to email, CC emails, and BCC emails don’t work
- Fix: No Pagination is not set as the quiz presentation type if you use the back button on the quiz creation modal window
- Fix: HubSpot and AWeber Identifier aren’t working
- Fix: The «Jordanian Dinar – JOD» is missing from the Payment Currency list
- Fix: Typo on the links for Invisible hCaptcha
- Fix: Submission indicator doesn’t work when a validation error occurs
- Fix: Select option values aren’t trimmed for visibility conditions
- Fix: Can’t create new forms via the dashboard page due to an update notification popup
- Fix: Timepicker limit not working
- Fix: Empty submission value when setting the Submission ID as a default value for a hidden filed
- Fix: Conditional rules don’t work when setting the Default Value of the Hidden field to Query Parameter
- Fix: Error when Routing is based on a checkbox field
1.19.0 ( 2022-10-20 )
- New: Field group
- New: Repeater for field group
- Improvement: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance
- Improvement: Change «Setup» to «Set Up» in all modal windows
- Fix: When high contrast mode is enabled, the dropdown form selector displays as usual
- Fix: Bulk Actions do not have Publish/Unpublish options
- Fix: Field value is empty when the condition includes a checkbox with capital letters
- Fix: Recaptcha issue with Complianz plugin
- Fix: Issues with dropdown values
- Fix: Issues with quizzes on mobile
- Fix: Poll Result does not display after submission
- Fix: Some languages have misaligned fields
- Fix: Accessibility issue in Forminator Export Area
- Fix: Windows high contrast mode accessibility issue
- Fix: Signature field breaks PayPal
- Fix: UI issues when high contrast mode is enabled
- Fix: Receive multiple submissions when clicking the submit button several times
- Fix: Emails added in the email notification tab are deleted when Save and Continue is disabled
- Fix: CSV export file size is 3 bytes despite having entries
1.18.2 ( 2022-09-30 )
- Improvement: Membership detection
1.18.1 ( 2022-09-15 )
- New: Forminator Reports to help with tracking performance of forms, polls, and quizzes
- Add: Admin email Macro {admin_email}
- Improvement: Form fields now have a unique ID. This unique ID is also added as data-uid attribute to the form tag, so If you currently have scripts that use field ID’s, these will need to be updated now
- Improvement: Convert Zapier integration to Webhook integration
- Improvement: Additional appearance settings for Input Border Radius and Hover Colours
- Improvement: Replace Select placeholder default «null» to «Search»
- Fix: Checkboxes and selects do not save multiple selections separately
- Fix: A …