Etiqueta del plugin: css editor
SiteOrigin CSS
(151 valoraciones en total)SiteOrigin CSS es un sencillo y potente editor de CSS para WordPress. Te da controles visuales que te permiten editar la apariencia de tu sitio en …
Visual CSS Style Editor
(88 valoraciones en total)Style your WordPress site visually. Discover the most popular front-end design plugin! Try live demo.
Blocks CSS: CSS Editor for Gutenberg Blocks
(22 valoraciones en total)Blocks CSS allows you add custom CSS to your Blocks straight from the Block Editor (Gutenberg).
Code Manager
(8 valoraciones en total)Write, test and deploy PHP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML code blocks from the WordPress dashboard.
SCSS WP Editor
(4 valoraciones en total)Easily Add, Compile and Optimize your SCSS to CSS within WordPress Admin.
Responsive CSS EDITOR
(3 valoraciones en total)WPWOX Responsive CSS Editor provides the easier and efficient method to create breakpoints and add css to them.
Best Custom CSS
(1 valoraciones en total)This plugin help you to manage your css files with an easy and convenient method directly from Wordpress dashboard.
Dessky Custom CSS
(1 valoraciones en total)Lightweight plugin for adding Custom CSS to your WordPress site.
Probuilder – Visual live CSS editor
(0 valoraciones en total)Probuilder is a visual live CSS editor that helps you change the design of your website with ease.