WP Activity Log


WP Activity Log es el plugin de registro de actividad más completo para usuarios conectados y cambios del sistema.

Keep an activity log of everything that happens on your WordPress sites and multisite networks with the WP Activity Log plugin to:

  • Garantiza la productividad del usuario
  • Mejorar la responsabilidad del usuario
  • Fácil resolución de problemas
  • Saber exactamente lo que están haciendo todos tus usuarios
  • Gestiona y organiza mejor tu sitio y usuarios de WordPress
  • Detecta fácilmente comportamientos sospechosos antes de que surjan problemas de seguridad.

WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive real-ime user activity and monitoring log plugin. It helps hundreds of thousands of WordPress administrators and security professionals keep an eye on what is happening on their websites and is the most highly-ated activity log plugin for WordPress.

Features | Get WP Activity Log Premium | Getting Started

WP Activity Log has been featured on the websites of some of the most popular and leading businesses in the WordPress ecosystem, such as WPBeginner, GoDaddy, and Kinsta.


Melapress develops high-quality WordPress management and security plugins such as Melapress Login Security, CAPTCHA 4WP, and WP 2FA, the #1 user-rated activity log plugin for WordPress.

Browse our list of WordPress security and administration plugins to see how our plugins can help you better manage and improve the security and administration of your WordPress websites and users.

Modificaciones y detalles de WordPress que guarda WP Activity Log

As a comprehensive and thorough activity log solution for WordPress, WP Activity Log not only tells you that a post, a user profile, or an object was updated, it also lets you know exactly what was changed within the post, the user profile, or the object.

Abajo tienes un resumen de los cambios de los que el plugin puede guardar registro:

  • Post, page and custom post type changes such as status, content changes, title, URL, custom field, and other metadata changes

  • Tags and categories changes such as creating, modifying or deleting them, and adding or removing them from posts

  • Widgets and menus changes such as creating, modifying, or deleting them

  • User changes such as user created or registered, deleted, or added to a site on multisite network

  • User profile changes such as password, email, display name, and role changes

  • User activity such as login, logout, failed logins, and terminating other sessions

  • WordPress core and settings changes such as installed updates, permalinks, default role, URL, and other site-wide changes

  • WordPress multisite network changes such as adding, deleting or archiving sites, adding or removing users from sites etc (activity logs for multisite networks).

  • Plugins and Themes changes such as installing, activating, deactivating, uninstalling, and updating

  • Cambios en la base de datos de WordPress como cuando un plugin añade o quita una tabla

  • Changes on WooCommerce Stores & products, Yoast SEO, WPForms, Gravity Forms, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), MainWP and other popular WordPress plugins.

  • WordPress site file changes such as new files are added, or existing ones are modified or deleted.

For every event that the plugin records it also reports the:

  • Date & time (and milliseconds) of when it happened
  • User & role of the user who did the change
  • Source IP address from where the change happened
  • The object on which the change has taken place

Refer to WordPress activity log event IDs for a complete list of all the changes WP Activity Log can keep a record of and a detailed explanation of what change every event ID represents.

Actualiza a WP Activity Log Premium y obtén mucho más

La versión premium de WP Activity Log viene cargada con más características todavía para llevar la administración y seguridad de tu web WordPress al siguiente nivel.

Con la versión premium de WP Activity Log obtienes:

Listado de características premium

  • See who is logged to your website in real-time,
  • See what everyone is doing in real-time,
  • Desconecta a cualquier usuario con un solo clic,
  • Genera informes en HTML y CSV,
  • Recibe avisos por correo electrónico de cambios importantes,
  • Get instant SMS message alerts of critical site changes,
  • Search filters to fine tune the search results and find what you need in seconds,
  • Almacena los resgistros de actividad en un abase de datos externa para mejorar la seguridad y escalabilidad.
  • Replica el registro de actividad en sistemas de gestión de registros como AWS CloudWatch, Loggly y Papertrail en tiempo real,
  • Replica fácilmente los registros en tiempo real en sistemas de comunicación como Slack,
  • Enviar una copia de los registros de actividad de tus webs a un archivo de registro en tu propio servidor en tiempo real.
  • Archiva los datos de registro de actividad a otra base de datos para un mejor almacenamiento y gestión de registros.

Refer to the WP Activity Log plugin features and benefits page to learn more about the benefits of upgrading to WP Activity Log Premium.

Compatibilidad del plugin de terceros WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log puede guardar también un registro detallado de cambios que se dan en plugins de terceros, incluyendo:

  • WooCommerce: Keep a log of changes you and your team do in the WooCommerce store settings, orders, products, coupons, and much more.
  • Yoast SEO: Keep a log of the Yoast SEO plugin settings changes, and also of the on-page SEO changes you and your team make in the Yoast SEO meta box.
  • WPForms: Keep a log of the changes your team does in the WPForms plugin settings, forms, form files, entries (leads) and more.
  • Gravity Forms: Keep a log of the changes your team does in the Gravity Forms plugin settings, forms, forms settings, entries (leads) and more.
  • MemberPress: Keep a log of the changes in your MemberPress powered website, including plugin settings changes, memberships, payments, subscriptions and other changes that your team does on your website.
  • bbPress: Guarda un registro de cambios en foros de bbPress, debates, ajustes de bbPress y más.
  • MainWP: Guarda un registro de cambios de la red MainWP y puede ver los registros de actividad de todos los sitios hijo desde un único lugar – el escritorio de MainWP.

Refer to activity logs for third party WordPress plugins for a complete list of all the plugins WP Activity Log can keep a log of.

Otras características dignas de mención

On top of the comprehensive activity log, WP Activity Log also has a number of non-logging specific features that make it a complete WordPress logging solution, such as:

Free and premium support

Premium world-class support for WP Activity Log is free via email or through the WordPress support forums.

Note: Paid customer support is given priority and is provided via one-to-one email. Upgrade to Premium to benefit from priority support.

For any other queries, feedback, or if you simply want to get in touch with us, please use our contact form.

As featured on:

Related links and documentation:

Puedes encontrar información más detallada acerca de WP Activity Log y sus beneficios en los enlaces de abajo

Instalar WP Activity Log

Instala WP Activity Log desde WordPress

  1. Visita «Plugins> Agregar nuevo»
  2. Buscar por «WP Activity Log»
  3. Instala y activa el plugin WP Activity Log
  4. Permitir u omitir el seguimiento del diagnóstico

Instalar WP Activity Log manualmente

  1. Descomprime el archivo ZIP del plugin y súbelo al directorio /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activa el plugin WP Activity Log desde el menú ‘Plugins’ en WordPress
  3. Permitir u omitir el seguimiento del diagnóstico


  • Los registros de actividad de WordPress desde donde el administrador del sitio puede ver todos los cambios del sitio y del usuario.
  • See who is logged in to your WordPress and manage users sessions with Users Sessions Management in the Premium edition.
  • The plugin settings from where site administrator can configure generic plugin settings such as reverse proxy support, who can manage the plugin etc.
  • Use the event Inspector to see more technical details about each event in the activity log, such as the session ID and UserAgent string.
  • Configuring WordPress email and instant SMS alerts with the Email & SMS Notifications module in the Premium edition.
  • Busca en el registro de actividad de WordPress con los filtros de uso para ajustar los resultados de la búsqueda.
  • La sección activar/desactivar eventos desde donde los Administradores pueden desactivar o activar eventos de registro de actividad.
  • The Activity Log Viewer of a Super Admin in a WordPress multisite network installation alllows the admin to view the logs from all the network, or filter the logs of a specific site.
  • WP Activity Log is integrated with the built-in revision system of WordPress, thus allowing you to see what content changes users make on your WordPress posts, pages and custom post types. For more information read Keep Record of All WordPress Content Changes
  • Refleja el registro de actividad de WordPress en una solución externa como Syslog o Papertrail para centralizar el registro en la edición Premium, a fin de garantizar que los registros estén siempre disponibles y no puedan ser manipulados en el desafortunado caso de un ataque de piratería.
  • Use the plugin settings to exclude objects from the logs, configure automatic pruning of events, which timestamp to be shonw in the logs and much more. The plugin is fully confirable.
  • Generate any type of statistics reports from the actiivty log with the Premium edition. You can see statistics such as number of newly registered users, number of user profile changes, number of logins, different IP addresses per user, and much more.
  • Use the Premium edition to also export any activity log data to an HTML report or CSV file. CSV files are the most widely supported format and can easily be read, parsed and imported in third party systems.


¿Limita la versión gratuita de WP Activity Log los datos que recoge?

No, the free version does not limit the data the plugin collects. The preium version adds additional features such as extensive log filtering options, external database/log management service integration, user session management, and much more.

¿Por cuánto tiempo puedo conservar el registro de datos?

You can keep the log data for as long as you want to, with no limits whatsoever placed on data retention. You can keep the log data forever if you want to.

¿Envía el plugin algún dato de registro a Melapress?

No, the plugin does not send any log data to us whatsoever. The only data we recieve is license data from the premium edition of the plugin.

¿Recibe actualizaciones el plugin?

We update the plugin fairly regularly to ensure the plugin continues to run in tip-top shape while adding new features from time to time.

¿Ralentizará mi web WP Activity Log?

WP Activity Log will not slow down your website. Each release is tested before release to ensure it works in the best way possible. Having said that, you need to make sure your WordPress web server has adequate resources to manage the load of your website.

Soporte y documentación

Por favor, revisa nuestras páginas de soporte para toda la documentación técnica y de producto.


16 de septiembre de 2024
We use this plugin for all our websites (agency) to track user activities. It saved us from several discussions with clients. The logs clearly showed, they did something wrong :-). Pre and post sale support are good, quick responses. So, overall we are very happy with using this plugin!
12 de septiembre de 2024
I work for a marketing company and am in charge of keeping all of our contracted sites up to date, in doing so we also need to track who is doing what, where, and when… this plugin does exactly that. Futhermore, I had an slight issue today, the support team literally had a fix to me within minutes. Wish all plugin devs were like you folks 🙂 Thank you very much!
27 de agosto de 2024
I like all the features offered in the Premium package. It has brought me some peace of mind to be able to follow what is happening on my site. When I had a problem, support responded very quickly.
16 de agosto de 2024
Amazing, fast customer service and an even more amazing plugin. It provides all the information about the events on our site.
Leer todas las 435 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios

5.2.1 (2024-09-12)

  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a crash in the WooCommerce sensor which happens when a new WooCommerce user is registered.
    • Addressed problem with Redirection sensor when Rest API endpoint is checked.
    • Fixed a crash and a number of PHP notices which are triggered when the Redirects plugin and Elementor are installed on the website.
    • Addressed problem with system sensor when cron job is checked.

5.2.0 (2024-09-12)

  • New event IDs to report changes in Redirections plugin
    In this update we are introducing out-of-the-box activity logging for changes done in the configuration of the Redirections plugin.

    • Event ID 10501: A new redirection was created.
    • Event ID 10502: Activated a redirection.
    • Event ID 10503: Deactivated a redirection.
    • Event ID 10504: Changed the source URL of a redirection.
    • Event ID 10505: Changed the query parameter of a redirection.
    • Event ID 10506: Changed the target URL of a redirection.
    • Event ID 10507: Changed the redirection group of a redirection.
    • Event ID 10508: Deleted a redirection.
    • Event ID 10509: Created a new redirection group.
    • Event ID 10510: Activated a redirection group.
    • Event ID 10511: Deactivated a redirection group.
    • Event ID 10512: Renamed a redirection group.
    • Event ID 10513: Changed the module type of a redirection group.
    • Event ID 10514: Deleted a redirection group.
  • New event IDs to report WordPress Cron changes etc
    In this update we are introducing coverage of changes in the WordPress cron and the cron jobs / tasks.

    • Event ID 6066: A new one-time task has been scheduled in the cron.
    • Event ID 6067: A new recurring task has been scheduled in the cron.
    • Event ID 6068: The schedule of a recurring cron task has changed.
    • Event ID 6069: A one-time task has been executed by cron.
    • Event ID 6070: A recurring task has been executed by cron.
    • Event ID 6071: A one-time task has been deleted from the cron.
    • Event ID 6072: A recurring task has been deleted from the cron.
  • Other generic new event IDs

    • Event ID 6063: A new website site icon (favicon) has been added.
    • Event ID 6064: The website site icon (favicon) was removed.
    • Event ID 7013: Updated WordPress on the network subsites.
    • Event ID 5720: Activated or deactivated a GravityForms form.
    • Event ID 9155: A comment was added to a WooCommerce order.
    • Event ID 9156: A comment was deleted from a WooCommerce order.

      • Plugin & functionality improvements
    • Plugin checks for existing session cookie when user navigates directly to the login page so new users sessions are not created unnecessarily and no users are locked out when session management features are enabled.
    • Set the default activity log retention policy to 3 months if not configured by the user.
    • User is redirected to the activity log viewer page upon installing the plugin.
    • Added some padding / improved plugin’s activity log view in MainWP.
    • Added new top floating menu and a banner + footer links in the Free edition of the plugin.
    • Improved the text of event ID 6063.
    • Removed redundant code that was used to count the number of failed login attempts from an IP address. Now plugin reports every failed login attempt as an individual event in the log.
    • Removed redundant code that was used to enable early plugin loading (was typically used on websites that use admin blocking plugins).
    • Optimized the WooCommerce sensor to properly report the changes that take place when an order is place in WooCommerce – previously reported too many events which might be confusing.
    • Improved support for custom WooCommerce order names (YITH).
    • Event ID 1005 (user logged in from a different device) now counts towards the total number of logins when generating user login / activity reports.
    • Added the «Settings» node in the MainWP menu (previously only available on the WordPress native dashboard, even when installed on MainWP).
    • Applied several recognition updates to the detection of reverse proxy and WAF IP addresses feature.
    • Added some minor UI tweaks to the HTML reports.

      • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a number of fatal errors in the WooCommerce sensor which were caused in some edge cases.
    • Fixed: Redirect group is now reported in event ID 10501. Previously «null» was reported.
    • Fixed: Incorrect time was being reported in the Retention policies settings for the purging of old data in the activity log.
    • Fixed: plugin settings not removed when option to delete settings upon uninstall is enabled on a multisite network.
    • Fixed: event ID 9156 (changed note in WooCommerce order) reported instead of event ID 9155 (added note to a WooCommerce order).
    • Form URL was not reported in some event IDs which report changes in Gravity Forms form changes.
    • Fixed: Fatal error when editing WooCommerce products prices in bulk with Advanced Bulk Edit plugin.
    • Fixed: Event ID 6064 reported instead of ID 6065 when switching the favicon.
    • Fixed: Event ID 9156 was reported twice in the activity log when a WooCommerce order was placed by a non-logged in user.
    • Fixed a number of PHP Notices, warnings and deprecated code messages by improving the code for better support of more recent PHP versions.
    • Fixed: Plugin was not reporting the change when when the price of a WooCommerce product is changed to NULL via the REST API.
    • Fixed a warning about an undefined array key «zapier_integration_active» when saving changes in the Yoast SEO plugin.

Refer to the complete plugin changelog for more detailed information about what was new, improved and fixed in previous version updates of WP Activity Log.