Etiqueta del plugin: clone
All-in-One WP Migration and Backup
(7.501 valoraciones en total)Haz copias de seguridad, transfiere, copia y traslada un sitio con 1 clic. Rápido, fácil y fiable.
Yoast Duplicate Post
(517 valoraciones en total)La herramienta de referencia para clonar entradas y páginas, incluida la potente característica para reescribir y volver a publicar.
Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid Backup & Migration
(1.127 valoraciones en total)Migración, puesta en escena, copia de seguridad de WordPress, todo en uno.
WP Migrate Lite – WordPress Migration Made Easy
(309 valoraciones en total)Migrate your database. Export full sites including media, themes, and plugins. Find and replace content with support for serialized data.
WordPress Migrate & Clone Free : Migrate Guru
(1.486 valoraciones en total)Migra, clona o transfiere sin esfuerzo tu sitio WordPress a más de 5.000 alojamientos web con Migrate Guru, en el que confían Cloudways, Pantheon y Dreamhost.
BlogVault WordPress Backup Plugin – Migration, Staging, and Backups
(276 valoraciones en total)Comprehensive WordPress backup plugin with integrated staging, migration, and 1-click restore. Get daily or real-time secure WordPress backups easily.
Page and Post Clone
(13 valoraciones en total)Page and Post Clone plugin creates a clone of a page or post with the same content as the original.
InstaWP Connect – 1-click WP Staging & Migration
(11 valoraciones en total)Create a staging WordPress site from production (live site). Ideal for testing updates, version change or re-write. Sync back only the changes.
Duplicate Post Page Menu & Custom Post Type
(88 valoraciones en total)The best plugin to duplicate post, page, menu and custom post type multiple times in a single click.
Clone Posts
(21 valoraciones en total)Easily clone (duplicate) Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types, including their custom fields (post_meta)
Prime Mover – Migrate WordPress Website & Backups
(117 valoraciones en total)La herramienta de migración/copia de seguridad de WordPress más sencilla. Es compatible con la copia de seguridad/migración multisitio o clona un sitio/subsitio de un WP multisitio.
Duplicate Page or Post
(8 valoraciones en total)Duplicate Page or Post is an great tool that allow to duplicate pages and posts. Now you can do it in one click.
NS Cloner – Site Copier
(270 valoraciones en total)The NS Cloner saves TONS of time by cloning existing sites in a multisite network to a completely new site in a few seconds.
Prepare New Version
(6 valoraciones en total)Create the next version of your post while preserving its already online version.
(50 valoraciones en total)Machete es una colección de herramientas ligeras y sencillas que solucionan molestias comunes de WordPress: barra de cookies, códigos de seguimiento, limpieza de cabecera, compartir en redes
Duplicate Widgets
(9 valoraciones en total)Simple plugin that lets you duplicate your existing widgets in just one click.
Everest Backup – WordPress Cloud Backup, Migration, Restore & Cloning Plugin
(40 valoraciones en total)Everest Backup is a modern tool that will take care of your website's backups, restoration, migration, and cloning.
Post Content Shortcodes
(31 valoraciones en total)Adds shortcodes to display the content of a post o a list of posts.